Joanna Bauer

Ex-Postdoc at the Optimization Group at the University of Bergen (UiB)

I can be reached (at the office and per email) on Wednesday mornings.

Telephone: +47 555 84235
Visiting address: Office 4129, Datablokk, Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgate 55
Mail: Institutt for Informatikk, UiB, Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen

Current Research: Optimal Offshore Wind Farm Array Cable Layout


I have a soft spot for teaching, and am therefore very happy to be involved in the project pplex - a pedagogical implementation of the simplex method.

at University of Bergen
DIDAIT 2 (IT-didaktikk 2, spring 2014)
DIDAIT 1 (IT-didaktikk 1, fall 2013)
INF 100 (Innføring i Programmering, fall 2013)
INF 170 (Modellering og optimering, fall 2011)
INF 270 (Linear Programming, fall 2010)
INF 271 (Combinatorial Optimization, spring 2012, spring 2013)
at Bergen University College (fall 2009/spring 2010)
Matematikk 1 for allmenlærer
Grunnleggende matematikkopplæring for allmenlærer
Matematikk og fagdidaktikk. del 1,emne1, kompetanse for kvalitet
at sea :)
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