Package softparsmap

Interface Summary
DataSource This interface is responsible of providing the package with data regarding species trees and gene sequences.
EdgeType This interface is used to define different properties of an edge in a gene tree.
FamilyGroup This interface represents a set of gene families and it is responsible of providing these families for a certain task.
Inparalogous This interface is responsible of handling inparalogous.
SequenceData This interface is responsible of providing the package with all relevant sequence data.
TreeParser This interface is used to parse in and out trees.

Class Summary
AbstractDataSource Extending this class will facilitate creating a tag instance that is needed for any class to be installed and used by the property file.
AbstractEdgeType Extending this class will facilitate creating a tag instance that is needed for any class to be installed and used by the property file.
AbstractFamilyGroup Extending this class will facilitate creating a tag instance that is needed for any class to be installed and used by the property file.
AbstractInparalogous Extending this class will facilitate creating a tag instance that is needed for any class to be installed and used by the property file.
AbstractSequenceData If the sequences are stored in one file this class can be extended and used together with the class DataSourceXmlGenData.
AbstractTreeParser Extending this class will facilitate creating a tag instance that is needed for any class to be installed and used by the property file.
CharsetFileWriter This class makes it easier to write data to file using a specified charset.
ChildIterator This child iterator will take into account that some of a the edges in a gene tree might be collapsed and therefore skip those nodes.
ChildSet This set is used as child set for gene trees and as well as for species trees.
Compute This program is used to compute a task.
ComputeCompareGeneTrees This program is used to compare the topology of gene trees from two family groups.
ComputeFamilyGroup This program is used when computing a task on a specified family group.
ComputeFamilyGroupPair This program is used when computing a task on a pair of family groups.
ComputeFamilyNumbers Will print the numbers of the family group.
ComputeMap This task will map species from the species tree to the the nodes of the gene tree for all families in a given family group.
ComputeMapInfo This task will map species from the species tree to the the nodes of the gene tree for all families in a given family group.
ComputeRoot This task will root unrooted gene trees by minimizing duplications and loss.
DataSourceIndexXmlNcbiTaxonomy Index for data source DataSourceXmlNcbiTaxonomy.
DataSourceXmlNcbiTaxonomy This data source can be used when the sequence database is an XML document.
Family This class represents a gene family.
FamilyGroupTreesInFiles This family group assume that there is one file per family and that the family number can be found in the file name.
FilePointerPart This class points to a block of bytes in a file.
GeneLeaf Defines a gene leaf in a gene tree.
GeneNode Defines a gene node in a gene tree.
InferMutation This program is used to infer duplication and loss for small gene and species trees typed at the prompt.
InparalogousStandard The comparator created below will decide which sequence that will be chosen.
MuNode This class contains the code that implements the soft interpretation of gene duplication and loss.
Mutation This class contains the result from inferring gene duplications and loss.
Node Define common behavior for gene and species nodes and trees.
PreferredTree Classes extending this abstract class are used by task ComputeRoot to choose the preferred gene tree.
PrintTree This program will print a tree.
PropertyFile This class will parse the XML property file and give access to its corresponding classes.
SequenceDataXml This class is used by DataSourceXmlNcbiTaxonomy to extract sequence data from one file in XML-format.
SortedCollection This is a sorted collection.
SpeciesLeaf Defines a species leaf in a species tree.
SpeciesNode Defines a species node in a species tree.
Split For a tree T=(V,E), let d=(L1,L2) be a split iff L1, L2 [subset_of] L(T), |L1 [cut] L2|=0, L1 [union] L2 = L(T), and there exists an edge e [in] E so if removed we get two tree graphs T1 and T2 where L1 [subset_of] L(T1) and L2 [subset_of].
StandardEdgeType This is a edge type that can me configured within limits.
StringTemplate This class can extract string information from a string template or create a string given a template and data.
TreeParserDual This parser uses two complementary parts to parse in and out trees.
TreeParserNewick This parser will parse the Newick format.
TreeTextBlock A help class to print trees in an easy to understand format.

Exception Summary
FatalException A fatal exception.