Class ComputeFamilyGroup

  extended byooc.LinkedTagInstance
      extended bysoftparsmap.Compute
          extended bysoftparsmap.ComputeFamilyGroup
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ComputeFamilyNumbers, ComputeMap, ComputeMapInfo, ComputeRoot

public abstract class ComputeFamilyGroup
extends Compute

This program is used when computing a task on a specified family group. If used without any arguments, the usage will be printed. Usage:

 Compute [property file] [task did] [family group did] [ | [family #]]
If a family number is added as the last argument, this family is the only family that will be computed and it will be done in verbose mode.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void afterCompute(boolean verbose)
          This method is called after all families from the family group have been computed.
 void beforeCompute(boolean verbose)
          This method is called before any family from the family group is computed.
abstract  void computeFamily(Family family, boolean verbose)
          Compute a family.
 void computeTask()
          Is called by main method to run task.
Methods inherited from class softparsmap.Compute
getArg, getArgs, getInparalogous, getPrintFamilyInfo, getPropertyFile, getTargetFile, getTreeParser, initiateDataSource, main, numberArgs, setArgs, useProgressIndicator
Methods inherited from class ooc.LinkedTagInstance
containsKey, get, getAttribute, getAttributeBoolean, getAttributeDouble, getAttributeFloat, getAttributeInteger, getAttributeList, getAttributeRef, getAttributeShort, getAttributeString, getAttributeTag, getChildIterator, getChildIteratorByName, getContainer, getContainerTag, getFirstChildTagByName, getTag, getTagId, getTagInstance, getTagInstance, getTagRef, hasAttributeValue, hasChildTagByName, hasChildTags, hasTag, isMutable, keySet, put, remove, setTag, setupInstance
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ComputeFamilyGroup()
Method Detail


public void computeTask()
Description copied from class: Compute
Is called by main method to run task.

Specified by:
computeTask in class Compute


public void beforeCompute(boolean verbose)
This method is called before any family from the family group is computed.

verbose - is true if extra information is printed


public abstract void computeFamily(Family family,
                                   boolean verbose)
                            throws java.lang.Throwable
Compute a family.

family - is the family that will be computed
verbose - is true if extra information is printed
java.lang.Throwable - because exceptions are logged for every family but the task will continue on the rest of the family group.


public void afterCompute(boolean verbose)
This method is called after all families from the family group have been computed.

verbose - is true if extra information is printed