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Season: Autumn
Year: 1220
Location: Pyrennees

Covenant and Saga

(I have tentativly planned an tribunal around 1224- but will flex to fit gametime / realtime constraints if needed/possible)

Pugilista is in the Pyrennees south of Mistridge and east of Dossitep on a pass thru Andorra. It is a struggling autumn covenant that could soon head to winter if problems are not resolved.


senior magus Ausslender Flaegling (Merinita)

A green skinned little boy with butterfly wings, and vines growing out of his nipples. lost somewhere in faerie land (no longer an active player)

acting senior magus Terent Therista

Criamon lab rat bent on discovering eternal life (no matter how many die to divulge the secret)

acting second magus Nikolos of Verditius

Dangerous lab wrecker infamous throughout the order (also rather brillliant) lost half of his face in an accident during his apprenticeship which also killed his lover/lab partner. His left eye floats in an empty eyesocket covered by a sort of monacle (you could say he has his own scary music). His sigil is a sense of loss or longing, often seen flying with a black leather (batman) cloak

magus Jarl Valjorn of Flambeau

Viking elementalist from denmark by way of greenland/iceland. many scars, missing right ear. Claims to have been chased to the continent by the order of odin. Reputation in tribunal for temper and unwillingness to settle disputes with certamen, also suspected of association with shadow flambeau. Extensive repetoir of offensive elemental spells mastered. heavily enchanted ruby tipped staff as talisman. Non magical trained hawk.

magus Andreus Angelicus

(``Lord Andreus'' to the commoners) Christian bard of house Jerbiton. Handsome and charming, he is the face most would associate with pugilista. Frequently plays in local taverns to meet and greet the locals (and pick up rumors) his music seems to have miraculous effects on those who hear him play, and his voice is like that of an angel. most book related virtues, may eventually (soon?) write renouned (sort of) books.

jr magus "hedge" Yogu Jinsu ex Miscelania.

A Mongul sorcerer of air and storms. Unknown in the tribunal.

"hedge" Louis ex Miscelania

Known for creating a bear the size of an "elephant" on an adventure that saved the day, and carried the party back home. Louis has spent several years at pugilista studying, but has never formally applied for membership.

"hedge" Sakkar of Bjornaer

Shapeshifting wyrm (actually a large croodile) left arm is always a big croc's. (giant snapping turtle accident) Unknown in the tribunal.

Power level

Covnant vis per annum:

New source growing in basement not harvestable yet

There are about 5 personal vis sources for the magi

Avg 50 by sources. 10-15 every couple of years on adventures 10-15 per magus/year varying down more than up.

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Hans Georg Schaathun