Opened 7 years ago

#268 new defect

out of order: C++ skeleton code for external library

Reported by: magne Owned by: Anya Helene Bagge
Priority: critical Milestone: v0.6
Component: magnolia-eclipse Version:
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:


The magnolia IDE command for generating external library code has been out of order for the last few revisions of the Magnolia IDE. This is a significant problem when developing new external library interfaces.

To reproduce the problem: Install the magnolia-basic-library (from magnolia svn) and open the package BasicCxxRaw.FloatCxxRaw Now right-click inside the file, and select "show -> C++ skeleton code for external library" Nothing happens, but we should have seen skeleton classes for the three external floating point implementations.

I am using Eclipse Neon with the recent:

Magnolia Compiler and IDE University of Bergen

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