The Major Mountains in Troms Fylke.

These mountains are "perfect" hiking/climbing goals. The view from their summits is always breathtaking. The lists below can be used to "collect summits", go after the "Finest" in the Kommune where you live, or expand your hiking to a larger part of Norway.
The primary factor (prominence) of a mountain is the minimal vertical drop from its summit before one can ascend a higher peak.

The lists below contain the Major Mountains of Troms distributed into each of the 25 Kommuner in Troms Fylke (county).

Go see the Major Mountains by Kommune:

            Balsfjord 19           Bardu 15                   Berg 4                Bjarkøy 2          Dyrøy 4
            Gratangen 5           Harstad 2                   Ibestad 5            Kåfjord 2           Karlsøy 9
            Kvæfjord 6             Kvænangen 6            Lavangen 8        Lenvik 5           Lyngen 9
            Målselv 16             Nordreisa 6                Salangen 5         Skånland 2        Skjervøy 7
            Sørreisa 2               Storfjord 12              Torsken 2           Tranøy 3           Tromsø 27

Return to the list of Major Mountains in Troms.

Access the list of Major Mountains in Norway.

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Confirmed or suspected corrections are most welcome by email to:

Copyright Petter Bjørstad
I appreciate that use of these data is acknowledged including a link to my main mountain page.