class EinIndexSpace : public EinAbstractIndex

EinIndexSpace provides a concrete interface to index spaces


Public Methods

Default constructor yields an empty index
EinIndexSpace(const EinAbstractIndex &ai_)
This constructor clones and keeps the abstract index.
EinIndexSpace(const EinIndexSpace &is)
Copy constructor maintains reference counting.
void operator=(const EinAbstractIndex &ai_)
Assignment clones and keeps the abstract index.
void operator=(const EinIndexSpace &is)
This assignment maintains reference count.
virtual EinAbstractIndex* virtualCopy() const
Virtual constructor, clones the object.
virtual int containsCount(const EinIndex &I) const
counts numbers of indices with specified ID
virtual EinIndex getIndex(int slot) const
Returns the index in the specified slot.
virtual void setIndex(int slot, const EinIndex &I)
Sets an index in the specified slot.
virtual int fixed() const
True if the index is set to a value or involved in a loop.
virtual void begin()
Shall be called when beginning a loop
virtual int end() const
Shall be true when exiting a loop
virtual void next()
Iterate over the index values with next
virtual void operator++()
Iterate over the index values with pre-increment
virtual void operator++(int)
Iterate over the index values with post-increment
virtual int current() const
returns the current value for an index
virtual int dim() const
n:o total elements
virtual int size() const
n:o indep. elements, equals n:o orbits
virtual int rank() const
n:o slots
virtual ostream& display(ostream &os) const
output on stream
virtual int currentSign() const
Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on the current sign w.r.t. canonical element in orbit
virtual int currentOrbitSize() const
Returns n:o elements in orbit
virtual int isNonSymmetric() const
True for index spaces with no symmetries
virtual int isSymmetric() const
True for completely symmetric index spaces
virtual int isAntiSymmetric() const
True for completely anti-symmetric index spaces
int orbit(const EinMultiInt &m) const
returns the orbit for given multi-int
int sign(const EinMultiInt &m) const
Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on the sign w.r.t. canonical element in orbit
int orbitSize(const EinMultiInt &m) const
Returns n:o elements in orbit

Inherited from EinAbstractIndex:

Public Methods

operator EinMultiInt() const
void setIndices(const EinAbstractIndex &M)
EinMultiIndex unrestricted() const
void newID()


EinIndexSpace provides a concrete interface to index spaces
Default constructor yields an empty index

EinIndexSpace(const EinAbstractIndex &ai_)
This constructor clones and keeps the abstract index.

EinIndexSpace(const EinIndexSpace &is)
Copy constructor maintains reference counting.


void operator=(const EinAbstractIndex &ai_)
Assignment clones and keeps the abstract index.

void operator=(const EinIndexSpace &is)
This assignment maintains reference count.

virtual EinAbstractIndex* virtualCopy() const
Virtual constructor, clones the object.

virtual int containsCount(const EinIndex &I) const
counts numbers of indices with specified ID

virtual EinIndex getIndex(int slot) const
Returns the index in the specified slot.

virtual void setIndex(int slot, const EinIndex &I)
Sets an index in the specified slot.

virtual int fixed() const
True if the index is set to a value or involved in a loop.

virtual void begin()
Shall be called when beginning a loop

virtual int end() const
Shall be true when exiting a loop

virtual void next()
Iterate over the index values with next

virtual void operator++()
Iterate over the index values with pre-increment

virtual void operator++(int)
Iterate over the index values with post-increment

virtual int current() const
returns the current value for an index

virtual int dim() const
n:o total elements

virtual int size() const
n:o indep. elements, equals n:o orbits

virtual int rank() const
n:o slots

virtual ostream& display(ostream &os) const
output on stream

virtual int currentSign() const
Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on the current sign w.r.t. canonical element in orbit

virtual int currentOrbitSize() const
Returns n:o elements in orbit

virtual int isNonSymmetric() const
True for index spaces with no symmetries

virtual int isSymmetric() const
True for completely symmetric index spaces

virtual int isAntiSymmetric() const
True for completely anti-symmetric index spaces

int orbit(const EinMultiInt &m) const
returns the orbit for given multi-int

int sign(const EinMultiInt &m) const
Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on the sign w.r.t. canonical element in orbit

int orbitSize(const EinMultiInt &m) const
Returns n:o elements in orbit

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling