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Juliana of HouseMercere

Characteristics +1 Intelligence -1 Presence +1 Perception +1 Communication 0 Strength +2 Dexterity +1 Stamina +1 Quickness

Personal Informations Age: 27, Sex: Female, Height: 65", Weight: 130 pounds

Personality Traits Brave +2, Dedicated +1, Kind +3, Unassuming +2

Virtues & Flaws (incomplete) Herbalism +1, Long-Winded +1, Redcap +1, Social Contacts (peasants) +1, Well-Traveled +1, Soft-Hearted -1, Weakness (those in need) -1

Abilities Animal Handling 2, Awareness 1, Bargain 2, Brawling 1, Chirurgy 3, Church Lore 1, Etiquette 2, Faerie Lore 1, Folk Ken 2, Guile 2, Herbalism 3, Hermes Lore 3, Hermetic Law 1, Occult Lore 1, Ride 2, Scribe Latin 3, Speak Arabic 2, Speak Basque 2, Speak Catalan 4, Speak Latin 5, Survival 1


At first glance, this young woman looks like an humble peasant travelling the roads with a pack mule. Her brown hair and eyes are unremarkable, and it looks like if her nose has been broken in the past (it was, by the kick of a mule). Juliana is a Redcap, a messenger of the Order of Hermes. She was sent to replace the previous Redcap (Gregory) who was covering the kingdoms of Castile, Navarre, and Aragon-Catalogna within the Tribunal of Iberia. She travels as an herbwoman, tending the poor and selling medicinal herbs while moving from a covenant to another. All her moving about allows her to harvest many plants she needs. She is not a member of a particular covenant, but rather moves from place to place with a pack mule. When she needs to rest, she either asks a covenant for shelter, or lives within some peasants' village while tending their ills.

When Juliana first gets to the covenant, she asks to meet the council. This young woman initially gives the impression of someone who has been on the road for quite a while. Once before the council, she will announce that from now on she will be replacing the previous Mercere who was covering their covenant (Gregory). He was gravely ill last winter, and will be taking on less strenous and more sedentary duties from now on. She goes on to explain that she is making an all-round trip to all covenants now under her care (those within the knigdoms of Castille, Navarre, and Aragon-Catalogne). For now, she only have one message (it's about the magic item contest for the next Tribunal).

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Hans Georg Schaathun