Generating the document

The steps

  1. Open a Cygwin window.
  2. Type: cd (Usually not needed.)
  3. Type: cd easythesis
  4. Type: make
  5. Wait for the program to finish.
  6. Open thesis.pdf in the easythesis directory using Acrobat Reader or similar program.


Problem Possible solution
No thesis.pdf exists. Run: make
bash says: bash: make: command not found You have not installed the make package (in Devel) when installing Cygwin. Check how to install the needed software.
make says: No targets specified and no makefile found. Your directory is not correct, your should be inside the easythesis directory.
make says: Nothing to be done for `all'. The thesis.pdf is allready up to date and there is no need to generate the document again. Delete thesis.pdf if you want to run it again anyway. You can also type: make clean;make in order to delete all temporary data and generate the document from scratch.
make fails Be sure that you are using the correct make program. Type: which make and you should get /usr/bin/make. If not change your $(PATH) settings.
pdflatex says: I can't write on file `thesis.pdf'. Acrobat Reader or some other program is using the file making the file locked for other applications. Close the window in Acrobat Reader showing the file. (You don't have to close the whole application.)