
The material here includes:

source code archive
Source code for all the Erda language variants.
HTML manual
Documentation for the software, as HTML.
PDF manual
Documentation for the software, as a PDF document.

This snapshot of code and documentation matches the Erda-based examples given in the paper “Errors as Data Values as the Language Default.”


The pre-requisites for installing the software are:

The primary implementation language of Erda. Version 6 (or higher) of Racket is required; a known-compatible version is 6.1.1.
A language and compiler serving as a basis for the implementation of ErdaC++. A known-compatible revision of Magnolisp is b2a7d3b37edecc42ef0c72a453e7040c75f024e4.

The software and the documentation can also be installed using the Racket package manager. Doing so should install the library, the command-line tool(s), and a HTML version of the manual. Racket is required for installation. Once Racket and its tools have been installed, the Magnolisp and Erda packages can be installed with the raco commands:

      raco pkg install git://
      raco pkg install