Constanza Riera

Currently working at Høgskolen i Bergen , Bergen, Norway.

Previously post-doctor at the Selmer Centre, Department of Informatics,University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Research interests: quantum computation and communication, graph theory, sequence design, information theory, coding theory and cryptography.

Selmer Center, Inst. for Informatikk, Høyteknologisenteret i Bergen, University of Bergen,
Bergen 5020, Norway.
Tel: +47 55 58 4060
Fax: +47 55 58 4199

Email contact:


Journal Papers Published or Accepted for Publication

Joakim Knudsen, Constanza Riera, Eirik Rosnes and Matthew G. Parker, ``Adaptive Soft Decision Iterative Decoding Using Edge Local Complementation'', [pdf] accepted for Proceedings of The Second International Meeting on Coding theory and Applications, LNCS.

Constanza Riera and Stephane Jacob and Matthew G. Parker, From Graph States to Two-Graph States, [pdf] accepted for Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Jan. 2008. Preprint at:

Constanza Riera and Matthew G. Parker, Generalised Bent Criteria for Boolean Functions (I), [pdf] IEEE Trans Inform. Theory, 52, 9, pp. 4142-4159, Sept. 2006. Also at: cs.IT/0502049.

Constanza Riera and Matthew G. Parker, One and Two-Variable Interlace Polynomials: A Spectral Interpretation, [pdf, postscript] International Workshop, Proceedings of WCC2005, Bergen, Norway, March 2005, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3969, pp. 397-411, March 2006.

Refereed Conference Papers Published or Accepted for Publication

Lars Eirik Danielsen, Constanza Riera, and Matthew G. Parker, Graph Equivalence from Equivalent Quantum States, 20th British Combinatorial Conference, Durham, UK, 10 July - 15 July, 2005.

Constanza Riera and Matthew G. Parker, On Pivot Orbits of Boolean Functions, [pdf], Optimal Codes and Related Topics, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, June 2005.

Constanza Riera and Matthew G. Parker, Spectral Interpretations of the Interlace polynomial, [pdf, postscript] WCC2005, Bergen, March 2005.

Technical Reports

Constanza Riera, George Petrides and Matthew G. Parker, Generalised Bent Criteria for Boolean Functions, [pdf] Reports in Informatics, University of Bergen, Report No 285, ISSN 0333-3590, November 2004.

My PhD Thesis

Constanza Riera Burger, "Spectral Properties of Boolean functions, Graphs and Graph States" (English version), Errata, Doctoral Thesis, submitted October 2005, defended January 2006 - Supervisors: Ignacio Luengo Velasco, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), and Matthew Geoffrey Parker, University of Bergen (Norway)


Constanza Riera, George Petrides and Matthew G. Parker, Generalised Bent Criteria for Boolean Functions (II), [pdf, postscript] Also at: cs.IT/0502050.

Last updated 16.06.08.