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We are looking for an excellent PhD candidate (from either computer science or mathematics) with a strong and well documented background in graph algorithms and parameterized algorithms. The candidate must hold a M.Sc. degree or similar. The position is available at the Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen and is financed by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) through the project Paralgo - Parameterized Algorithms. The project conducts basic research in parameterized algorithms with an emphasis on graph problems, and the principal investigators are Professors Pinar Heggernes and Jan Arne Telle. The working environment will be the Algorithms Research Group at the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen. The group consists of 4 professors, 9 PhD students, and 6 postdocs, all with a strong publishing record. The position is for 3 years with a preferred starting date of December 2008. In Norway, a PhD position is a regular job with all social benefits, like healt care and paid holidays. Salary is roughly 353,000 NOK (approximately 45,000 EUR) per year before tax. There are no teaching duties, and the university education in Norway is free (no tuition fee). Knowledge of the Norwegian language is not necessary. The position includes the possibility to spend half a year with another research group in another country, with full salary and additional travel stipend. Applications should contain the following: a cover letter including a summary of training and experience; copy of diploma, CV and publications. Please also provide names and contact information for at least a couple of references (your teachers, employers, or people you have worked with). The application is to be submitted electronically through the Norwegian official web interface for job applications. Here is the application page for this position. Follow the link "Apply for this position" which appears on that page. First time users will have to register to be able to submit an application. The registration procedure is in Norwegian (but very easy). Write your first name (Fornavn), last name (Etternavn), email address (Epost), and click on Engelsk for Språk (language). Then simply click on the "Registrer" button and wait for a confirmation email that will provide you with a password to use the system. Application deadline is October 15, 2008.
Please contact
Pinar Heggernes
if you are interested in the position or have questions
about it.