REGISTRATION FORM 12th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT 2000) To register for the workshop, complete this form (PREFERABLY BY EMAIL) and send as soon as possible and -- BEFORE 15TH SEPTEMBER 2000 -- To: NWPT'00 Magne Haveraaen Dept. of informatics University of Bergen PB 7800 E-mail: N-5020 BERGEN Fax: +47 55 58 41 99 Norway ___________________________________________________________________________ Name: Affiliation: Full address: E-mail: Phone: Fax: Please mark with X the relevant [ ]'s below: [ ] I wish to participate without giving a presentation. [ ] I wish to give a presentation and enclose a one-page abstract. [ ] Abstract will be submitted later, tentative title for presentation: [ ] Special equipment needed for the presentation (please specify): Hotel reservation must be made directly by the participants. See for information. The participation fee is tentatively NOK 2000 and includes refreshments, lunches, conference dinner, and the workshop material. Payment options: [ ] Credit Card: [ ] VISA [ ] AmEx [ ] Diners [ ] Eurocard Card number: Expiration date: Cardholders name: Alternatively, credit card details may be submitted by fax [ ] By bank/postal giro to account 8624.08.00998, NWPT-2000, Dept. of informatics, University of Bergen, PB 7800, N-5020 BERGEN [ ] In cash upon arrival at the conference The conference commences with lunch 1200-1400, Wednesday October 11th. I will arrive in time for lunch: [ ] Yes [ ] Probably [ ] No [ ] Special requirements or dietary restrictions, please specify: SIGNED: ___________________