3M | 16.1. | Magne Haveraaen: Introduction |
3W | 18.1. | Bjørn Olufsen:
Harsu (2002) A survey on domain engineering (Report 31, Institute of Software Systems, Tampere University of Technology, December 2002, 26pp.) |
4 | 23.1.,25.1. | -- break -- |
5 | 30.1.,1.2. | -- break -- |
6M | 6.2. | Anne Elise Weiss: slides
Alaña, Rodríguez (2007) Domain Engineering Methodologies Survey (GMVSA 20580/07, GMV, July 2007, 38pp.)
The CORDET Project - Component Oriented Development Techniques
6W | 8.2. | Tero Hasu: slides
Bjørner (2010) Domain Engineering (Boca, Bowen, Siddiqi: Formal Methods: State of the Art and New Directions, Springer London, p. 1-41) |
7M | 13.2. | Anne Elise Weiss: slides
Zhao (2002) Domain Analysis of Web Geographical Information System (Statistics Department, Iowa State University, USA, 17pp.)
7W | 15.2. |
Bjørn Olufsen:
Kang, Cohen, Hess, Novak, Peteron (1990) Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) Feasibility Study (Technical Report, CMU/SEI-90-TR-021, November 1990, 161pp.)
8W | 22.2. | Eirik Nordstrand: The OOram method
Reenskaug, Wold, Lehne (1995) Working with objects - The OOram Software Engineering Method (Taskon, Oslo, Norway, 497pp)
Reenskaug (1996) Working With Objects - OOram Framework Design Principles (OOPSLA '96 Workshop: Exploration of Framework Design Principles, 12pp)
9 | 27.2.,29.2. | -- break -- |
10W | 7.3. | Magne Haveraaen: Domain engineering of the PDE domain slides
Haveraaen, Friis, Johansen (1999) Formal Software Engineering for Computational Modelling (Nordic Journal of Computing, 6(3):241-270, Fall 1999)
Haveraaen, Friis (2009) Coordinate-free numerics: all your variation points for free? (International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 4(4):223-230)
11M | 12.3. | Sailaja Posupulate: slides
Benavides, Segura, Ruiz-Cortés (2010) Automated analysis of feature models 20 years later: A literature review (Information Systems, 35(6):615-636, September 2010)
12M | 19.3. | Tero Hasu:
Domain engineering of railroad systems
Bjørner, Pěnička (2004) Towards a TRain Book - for The RAilway DomaIN (railwaydomain, 122p) (especially chapter 2)
New site for railwaydomain: TRain: The Railway Domain
Bjørner, George, Haxthausen, Madsen, Holmslykke, Pěnička (2004) "UML-ising" Formal Techniques (SoftSpez Final Report 2004, LNCS 3147, p423-450)
13M | 26.3. | Gajji Vasumathi: slides
Czarnecki (1998) Domain Engineering (chapter 3, Generative Programming: Principles and Techniques of Software Engineering Based on Automated Configuration and Fragment-Based Component Models. Ph.D. thesis, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany, p35-69)
13W | 28.3. | Sailaja Posupulate:
Software product lines
Northrop (2002) SEI's software product line tenets (IEEE Software, 19(4):32-40)
Clements (2002) point: Being Proactive Pays Off (IEEE Software, 19(4):29-31)
Krueger (2002) counterpoint: Eliminating the Adoption Barrier (IEEE Software, 19(4):29-31)
14 | 2.4.,4.4. | -- break -- |
15W | 11.4. | Eirik Nordstrand:
Domain engineering of cognitive science.
Taylor (1994) Novex Analysis: A Cognitive Science Approach To Instructional Design (Educational Technology, 34, 5, p5-13) (journal home page)
Hofstadter (1979) Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (Basic Books, ISBN 0465026567, 1999, 832p.)
16M | 16.4. | Tero Hasu: Feature Oriented Programming slides
Batory, Sarvela, Rauschmayer (2004) Scaling Step-Wise Refinement (IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 30(6): 355-371)
16W | 18.4. | Anne Elise Weiss:
Domain engineering of geographical information systems (GIS)
Nogueras-Isoi, Zarazaga-Soria, Lacasta, Bejar, Muro-Medrano (2004) Metadata standard interoperability: application in the geographic information domain (Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 28, Issue 6, November 2004, Pages 611-634)
Zarazaga-Soria, Torres, Nogueras-Iso, Lacasta, Cantan (2003) Integrating geographic and non-geographic data search services using metadata crosswalks (9th EC GI & GIS Workshop, ESDI Serving the User, A Coruña, Spain, 25-27 June 2003)
Coulondre, Libourel, Spery (1998) Metadata And GIS: A Classification of Metadata for GIS (GIS PlaNET'98: 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information, Libon, Portugal, September 7-11, 1998)
17M | 23.4. | Bjørn Olufsen:
A historical look at domain engineering of mobile devices |
18W | 2.5. | Sailaja Posupulate:
Domain engineering of the business domain
Basha, Moiz, Qyser (2011) Performance Analysis of HR Portal Domain Components Extraction (International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (5), 2011, p2326-2331; CoRR abs/1203.1328)
Korthaus, Schwind, Seedorf (2005) Semantic integration of business component specifications with RDF schema (Workshop on Sematic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE), 4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2005), Galway, Ireland, November 6-10, 2005)
Wang, Xu, Zhan (2006) A Survey of Business Component Identification Methods and Related Techniques (International Journal of Information and Communication Engineering (IJICE) 2:8 2006, p513-522)
19 | 7.5.—10.5. |
20M | 14.5. | Gajji Vasumathi: Domain Engineering of Multi-Actor Systems slides |
20W | 16.5. | Eirik Nordstrand: Summary of the Course |