VCF on November the 24th
On November the 24th Kristine Jørgensen will give a talk at VCF, with the title "Gameworld Interfaces".
Designing so-called “invisible” interfaces that are integrated into the gameworld is a trend in modern
game user interface design, and debates about the superiority of such interfaces frequently appear in
game developer discourse. At the same time certain genres do not seem to pay this trend any attention
and continue to use a lot of screen space on heavy overlays. While proponents of “invisible” interfaces
believe that this approach provides the greatest sense of involvement for the player because the fiction
appears unmediated, defenders of the second approach believe that clear information is necessary for
overview and control and therefore a support for involvement.
In this presentation I will discuss the main points in my monograph Gameworld Interfaces (MIT Press 2013).
At the core of my argument is the idea that regardless of how the user interface is presented in games,
it is a necessity to be able to present gameplay relevant system information to the player. For this
reason, the conflict is not about whether or not to have an interface at all, but how to present system
information in a way that is clear and communicative at the same time as it is elegant and takes up as
little screen space as possible considering the information needs of the specific game.
Kristine Jørgensen is professor in media studies at UiB. She has been studying
videogames since 2002 and is the author of Gameworld Interfaces and A Comprehensive
Study of Sound in Computer Games. She is currently project manager of the RCN Young
Research Talents project Games and Transgressive Aesthetics, and is head of the
bachelor and master program in media and interaction design located in Media City Bergen.
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
Job Opportunities

We have openings for 4 PhD fellowships as well as a postdoctoral fellow with an application deadline of May 3, 2018. More information can be found here.
If you have any questions, please direct them to
Stefan.Bruckner UiB.no.
VCF Seminars

Our series of seminar, the Visual
Computing Forum, is currently ongoing. All the
details can be found in the dedicated seminars section.
Questions to
vcf.bergen gmail.com
VCF on October the 20th
On October the 20th Helwig Hauser will give a talk about future challenges in Visualization.
Since 2007, Helwig Hauser is professor at the University of Bergen, Norway, where he is leading the research group on visualization.
During the first four years, the group grew to a size of 15 researchers, working on projects in medical visualization, the visualization
of geological data and models, flow visualization, the visualization of biological data, marine data visualization, and others. Since
then, the group is continuously contributing to the field.
Helwig Hauser's interests are diverse in visualization and related fields, including interactive visual analysis,
illustrative visualization, and the combination of scientific and information visualization, as well as many other related topics.
Helwig Hauser is also particularly interested in the application of visualization to the fields of medicine, geoscience, climatology, biology, engineering, and others.
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on September the 15th
On September the 15th Hanneke Meijer will give a talk at VCF, with the title "3D Imaging of Museum Collections".
3D imaging techniques can provide a range of exciting opportunities for
museum collections, research, exhibits, education and outreach. In this talk, I
will highlight some of the potential uses of 3D imaging techniques for the
Bergen University Museum. For instance, digital models of specimens can
reduce damage that occurs when delicate or rare specimens are handled by
researchers. Rather than loaning specimens to researchers, (high-res) 3D
models of specimens can easily be shared with researchers worldwide, thereby
facilitating research and reducing the need for travel. Furthermore, with only a
small portion of collections on display in museum exhibits, digitization affords
the opportunity to bring the remainder of the collection into the virtual light
and allows the public to interact with museum collections. Finally, with 3D
printing, educators can integrate 3D technologies into their classrooms.
Hanneke Meijer is an Associate Professor and Curator of Osteology at the Natural History
Museum in Bergen. She is a vertebrate paleontologist with a background in vertebrate
functional morphology and an interest in insular evolution, biogeography, paleoecology and
extinction. Her research focuses on dispersal, turnover and extinction of prehistoric bird
communities. A main focus of her work is Island Southeast Asia and Mauritius, where she uses
fossil bird remains to document prehistoric avian biodiversity and the impact of natural and
non-natural disturbances on an insular ecosystem, but she also works on bird remains from
Scandinavia and the Mediterranean.
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on August the 11th
On August the 11th Daniel Patel will give a talk at VCF, with the title "The Computer Graphics Curriculum at Høgskolen på Vestlandet".
This talk presents the computer graphics cirruculum at HVL and the experiences after
introducing a new course on advanced computer graphics covering both geometry,
3D printing and real time ray tracing using the Unity game engine.
Daniel Patel is a senior resarcher at CMR and an adjunct assosiate professor at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
Successful PhD defense by Ivan Kolesar on 23rd of June
On June the 23rd Ivan Kolesar, a PhD student at the visualization group successfully
defended his Thesis. This marked the completion of a four year long PhD study. The title
the thesis was “Partial Spatio-temporal Abstraction for Comparative Visualization of Molecular
Processes”, while the presentation part of the defense was about "How to fit a lot of molecular
spatial data into your screen." Doctor Kolesar was supervised by Prof. Helwig Hauser from the
visualization group at the University of Bergen and Prof. Ines Heiland from UiT The Arctic
University of Norway.
The opponents for the defense were assistant professor Michael Sedlmair from the Visualization
and Data Analysis Group (VDA) at the University of Vienna and Doctor Michael Krone from the
Visualization group of the University of Stuttgart. The defense went very smoothly and the
committee remarked on the quality and importance of Doctor Kolesars contribution in creating
a model for comperative visualization using user specified similarity measures.
VCF on May the 5th
On May the 5th Nils Martin Engebretsen will give a talk at VCF, with the title "Data visualization in society: creating meanings and feelings through the visualization of numbers".
We witness today an increased use of data visualization (DV) in a number of fields and genres:
in journalism, in education, in commerce and industry etc. DV – in the forms of colorful graphs,
maps and diagrams – are used to inform, convince and tell stories, and they promise to make
both statistical material and unstructured flowing data accessible and intelligible even for
untrained users. New affordances of dynamics and interaction introduced by digital media
technology, make the landscape of DV-design even more rich and complex, and call for new
and updated descriptions, models for learning and investigations concerning semiotic qualities
and social functions.
Martin Engebretsen, professor at UiA and leader of the NFR-funded project INDVIL (Innovative
Data Visualization and Visual-numeric Literacy) will share future plans and preliminary
results from the project (see www.indvil.org) He will focus specifically on the use of DV
on online news sites. The main questions are: What characterizes the use of data
visualizations on major Scandinavian news sites today and how do they create meanings
and feelings?
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on April the 7th
On April the 7th Tobias Isenberg will give a talk at VCF, with the title "Abstraction in Non-Photorealistic Rendering and Illustrative Visualizations".
Abstraction is a concept that is fundamental in both non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) and (illustrative) visualization.
In NPR, abstraction is introduced by choosing a subset of elements to depict, by simplifying the depicted elements, by
choosing a particular style of depiction, or by even changing the underlying geometric model. Here, abstraction typically
serves an aesthetic goal. In illustrative visualization, abstraction is often used to emphasize important parts and
de-emphasize less important ones. Traditionally, however, most authors argue that by simply using an NPR style or by
using methods from illustrative rendering they automatically abstract---only few approaches actually discuss how the
abstraction is introduced, what types of abstraction exist, and how abstraction can be controlled.
I will discuss three approaches that not only rely on abstraction but also allow users to control it. First, I will
discuss an approach for the abstraction of visualizations of molecular structures in which a continuous abstraction
space between structural abstraction, abstraction through spatial perception, and abstraction by means of "illustrativeness"
is created. Users can navigate this space to adjust visualization to their specific needs. Then I will talk about the
abstraction of brain connectivity though the contraction of fiber tracks based on local similarity. And finally, I will
discuss an example from NPR in which different abstraction strategies are used to affect map data in order to create an
abstract map representation that is guided by each person's individual aesthetics.
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on March the 10th
On March the 10th Thomas Spengler will give a talk at VCF, with the title "Weather and Climate, a Playground for Big Data and Visualisation".
Weather and climate science is among the most demanding in terms of challenges for computation and data.
Terabytes of data are produced every day for operational forecasting, but at the end most people are only
interested in a few symbols on their favourite weather app worth a few kilobytes. I will touch on the
principles of weather forecasting and the computational demands and challenges for data input and transfer.
In particular, I will also focus on current research questions with respect to storm development and
state-of-the-art analysis techniques, including feature detection and data reduction using theoretical
assessments of the flow evolution.
I will also highlight challenges in visualising our conceptual understanding of the workings of
the weather and point to open questions regarding best use of the available data given the current
research questions, also with respect to ensemble prediction. As an outlook, I will also touch on data
availability at our institute for possible collaboration and close with open questions from the atmospheric science side.
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on February the 10th
On February the 10th Morten Fjeld will give a talk at VCF, with the title "Content Delivery for Tomorrow: From Vibrotactile Notifications to Mid-Air Displays".
Vibrotactile notifications can be supportive as our visual attention is often overtaxed,
both in mobile and fixed settings. In the first part of this talk, we investigate how users
perceive spatiotemporal vibrotactile patterns on the arm, palm, thigh, and waist. Results of
the first two experiments indicate that precise recognition of either position or orientation
is difficult across multiple body parts. Nonetheless, users were able to distinguish whether
two vibration pulses were from the same location when played in quick succession. Based on
this finding, we designed eight spatiotemporal vibrotactile patterns and evaluated them in
two additional experiments. In the second part of this talk, we present HaptiColor, an
assistive wristband that encodes discrete color information into spatiotemporal vibrations
to support colorblind users to recognize and compare colors. In the third part of
this talk, we speculate around how advances in display technologies could soon make wearable
mid-air displays—devices that present dynamic images floating in mid-air relative to a mobile user—available.
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
Job Opportunities
The Department of Informatics is now recruiting 3 research fellows (PhD candidates) and 1 postdoctoral fellow in informatics/computer science.
This is an excellent opportunity to pursue cutting-edge research in the field of visualization, including a stimulating and dynamic international working environment.
Furthermore, there are currently two vacancies for permanent positions as professor/associate professor in machine learning within the Department of Informatics.
The University of Bergen (UiB) is an internationally recognised research university with more than 14,000 students and close to 3,500 employees at six faculties. The university is located in the heart of Bergen. Our main contribution
to society is excellent basic research and education across a wide range of disciplines.
For further information please follow the links to the
PhD positions
, the
postdoctoral position
and the (associate) professor in machine learning positions.
Questions to Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on November the 18th
On November the 18th Alexander Lundervold will give a talk at VCF, with the title "Modeling the human larynx for simulation of airflow during exercise".
Obstruction of the central airways is typically expressed by exercise-induced
inspiratory symptoms (EIIS) and is an important cause of exercise induced dyspnea in
young and otherwise healthy individuals.
We are constructing a computational model for the larynx that will be used to
simulate the airflow. The aim is to understand the larynx’s role for breathing
problems: which obstructions leads to problems, and why.
To obtain the proper laryngeal geometry we use a combination of MRI and CT data
acquired at HUS and NMBU. Our computational model is based on image and
laryngoscopy data, and constructed using COMSOL Multiphysics, a finite-element
based software package widely used in computer-aided engineering.
The simulations aim to uncover the effect of geometry changes in the supraglottic
region on the characteristics of the airflow through the larynx.
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on October the 14th
On October the 14th Marc Baaden will give a talk at VCF, with the title "An update on seeing and touching molecules in motion through interactive molecular graphics".
For several years now, our team pursues the goal to study complex
molecular assemblies through interactive visualization, manipulation
and analysis approaches to aid hypothesis generation and exploration
of complex datasets. The UnityMol framework [1] forms a central tool
for these investigations and is based on the Unity3D game engine.
A first line of research tries to help with the 3D context, for instance
through content-guided navigation, exploded views and semantic links
between molecular objects and their analysis data [2].
Concerning the molecular representations, we extended the UnityMol
repertoire to include specific visualizations for sugar molecules [3]
and are now including coarse-grained systems by default. These are
particularly apt for interactive simulations, even in the classroom or
via crowdsourcing. A particular focus lies on the integration of
dedicated hardware such as large, high-resolution display walls, or
more recently head-mounted virtual reality headsets or augmented
reality setups.
[1] Lv et al., Game on, Science - how video game technology may help
biologists tackle visualization challenges, PLoS ONE 8(3):e57990, 2013
[2] Trellet et al., Interactive Visual Analytics of Molecular Data in Immersive
Environments via a Semantic Definition of the Content and the Context,
IEEE VR 2016/VR 2016 Workshop on Immersive Analytics
[3] Pérez et al., Three-Dimensional Representations of Complex Carbohydrates
and Polysaccharides. SweetUnityMol: A Video Game Based Computer Graphic
Software, Glycobiology 25, 2015, 483-491; doi: 10.1093/glycob/cwu133
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on September the 30th
On September the 27th Marc Vaudel will give a talk at VCF, with the title "Analyzing Complex Biomedical Data to Improve Patient Care".
High throughput sample characterization techniques like genomic sequencing have revolutionized
modern patient care and led to the paradigms of personalized and precision medicine. However,
comprehensive analytical approaches, the so-called omics fields, have also revealed the overwhelming
complexity of biological systems, and require the interpretation of massive amounts of data. As a result,
there is currently a major gap between what can be inferred from patient samples and what is actually used in the clinics.
This presentation will introduce key concepts in using omics techniques for precision medicine, and underline
some of the challenges associated with patient data interpretation. A particular emphasis will be given to the
complexity of associating the omics data with disease mechanisms, and to the importance of making the results
intelligible to all. Interactive data visualization plays a crucial role in this process, yet much remains to
be done before patients can fully benefit from these modern approaches.
Talents, ideas and expertise are much needed to overcome the challenges ahead. You are warmly invited to join the effort!
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
MedViz conference and the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2016
We are pleased to invite you all to the joint MedViz conference and the Eurographics
Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine which will take place on September 7-9
in Bergen.
MedViz has one impressive decade of exciting experiences from annually assembling more than
100 technologists and physicians from Bergen, Norway, and from abroad for the MedViz conference.
During Sept. 7-9, the MedViz Conference comes together with the 6th edition of the Eurographics
Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM). VCBM was first organized in 2008
in Delft, The Netherlands, then becoming a very successful series of events, happening again in
2010 in Leipzig, Germany, then in 2012 in Norrköping, Sweden, and then in 2014 in Vienna, Austria.
Due to its increased success, VCBM was then improved into an annual event—organized in 2015 in
Chester, UK, before then coming to Bergen, Norway, in 2016.
For more information check out the events dedicated webpage: MedVizVCBM.uib.no
or facebook webpage .
Questions to
Stefan.Bruckner uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
Department Seminar
On August th 18th Jaakko Peltonen will give a talk at the UIB
Infromatikk Department Seminar, with the title "Lost in Publications?
- How to Find Your Way in 50 Million Scientific Documents by Machine
Learning and Interactive Intent Modelling".
Before one can analyze relevant data one must first find it from among the huge
amount of available data. The most common example is information seeking from
large masses of documents, whether it is from the general web or from large collections.
Often the search is exploratory, and it may be hard to formulate a good query, but
traditional information retrieval systems do not sufficiently help users to improve
unsatisfactory results. In this talk I discuss an improved system for exploratory
search, where users are given power to direct their search by interacting visually
with a model of their search intent.
My talk concentrates on a particular domain: information seeking of scientific
documents. Finding relevant documents is a common task for researchers, who must
navigate big data to keep up to date with ongoing research and place their own work
in context. Current scientific knowledge includes more than 50 million published articles --
among such a huge mass of data, how can a system help a researcher find relevant documents in their field?
We introduce SciNet, an interactive search system that anticipates the user’s search
intents by estimating them from the user’s interaction with the interface. The estimated
intents are visualized on an intent radar, a radial layout that organizes potential
intents as directions in the information space. The system assists users to direct their
search by allowing feedback to be targeted on keywords representing the potential intents.
Users can provide feedback by moving the keywords on the intent radar. The system then
learns and visualizes improved estimates and corresponding documents. The resulting user
models are explicit open user models curated by the user during the interactive information
seeking. SciNet has been shown to significantly improve users’ task performance and the
quality of retrieved information without compromising task execution time. We also show
how user models learned in SciNet can be used to help cold-start recommendation in another
system, the CoMeT talk management system, by cross-system user model transfer across the systems.
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on August the 12th
On August th 12th Paul Rosenthal will give a talk at VCF, with the title "Reproducibility in Visual Computing".
Reproducibility is the basis of all sciences. Without reproducibility,
there is no advancement by building on previous knowledge and there can
be no judgment of the reliability of current knowledge. As all fields of
visual computing have matured, procedures for verifying and evaluating
techniques have been introduced also in these field. While many individuals
are making their code and procedures available, there are no established
guidelines for reproducibility in the communities. However, introducing
such practices would increase the acceptance of visual computing methods
in other communities, make contributions more well-grounded, and expedite
future innovation by making comparisons and improvements easier. In this talk,
I will discuss this important role and the benefits of a strong culture of
reproducibility. The explanations will be carried out with special focus on the
fields of visualization, human-computer interaction, and computer graphics. Still,
they can be transferred to other disciplines in many aspects and stimulate
the respective discussion there.
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on May the 27nd
VCF on April the 22nd
VCF on March the 18th
VCF on February the 19th
On February 19th Rasmus Slaattelid will give a talk at VCF, with the title " Visualization, story telling, and the big picture".
At the University of Bergen, there exists several research environments that focus on
visualizations. Visualizations of data, or of scientific knowledge more generally, visual cultures,
diagrammatic thinking, and story-telling in visual media. If we look beyond the UoB, the picture
grows even more diverse. This multitude of approaches and interests already suggests that a
comprehensive understanding of visualization as a cognitive tool within one discipline is difficult,
and that more collaboration across these disciplinary divides would be fruitful. The aim of my talk is
to present some possible common areas of interest between different disciplines studying
Questions to
Sergej.Stoppel uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on January the 29th
2016, September
EG VCBM 2016 comes to Bergen
In Sept. 2016, the annual MedViz conference and the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM) are coming together and form a joint, interdisciplinary meeting of experts from technology, medicine, biology, and related fields.
MedViz has one impressive decade of exciting experiences from annually assembling more than 100 technologists and physicians from Bergen, Norway, and from abroad for the MedViz conference. Next year, 2016, during Sept. 7-9, the MedViz conference comes together with the 6th edition of the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM). VCBM was first organized in 2008 in Delft, The Netherlands, then becoming a very successful series of events, happening again in 2010 in Leipzig, Germany, then in 2012 in Norrköping, Sweden, and then in 2014 in Vienna, Austria. Due to its increased success, VCBM was then improved into an annual event-organized in 2015 in Chester, UK, before then coming to Bergen, Norway, in 2016.
Please go to the following web site for more information: http://medvizvcbm.uib.no/
Or go to the VCBM facebook pages: https://www.facebook.com/medvizvcbm/ and https://www.facebook.com/events/770818463024537/
Questions to
Helwig.Hauser uib.no
Geilo Winter School 2016
SINTEF has organized an annual winter school in Geilo since 2001, on different topics within eScience and computational mathematics. This year schools topis is scientific visualization, and is organized with the help of the Visualization Group in Bergen.
The schools have been funded by the Research Council of Norway, and have provided hundreds of lectures on topics relevant to the Norwegian eScience community, ranging from parallel computing and Big Data to Monte Carlo simulations and continuum mechanics. The first fifteen winter schools have attracted over 800 participants from industry, research, and academic institutions in Norway, Scandinavia, and the world.
Visualization is an integral part of science, and a necessity for our understanding of complex processes and data. The word visualization can have a broad interpretation, including creating trivial plots of values, advanced rendering techniques, and complex statistical data reasoning. This winter school will target the process of understanding data through scientific visualization, and focus on extracting knowledge from data. With hands-on exercises you will during the course of this winter school learn techniques, tools, and best practices for extracting knowledge from data.
Questions to Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on December the 11th
VCF on November the 13th
VCF on October the 16th
VCF on September the 18th
Scientific and Educational Award to Pina Kingman!
At this year's St. Tropez International Film Festival in Nice, France, our former colleague Pina Kingman won the Scientific and Educational Award. The Nice in South of France International Film and Television Festival of World Cinema was held in the south of France at the same time as the World famous Cannes film festival. In its 4th year, it is a global industry event that will reach out to the many filmmakers. All the details can be found on our Physioillustration project webpage.
VCF on August the 28th
VCF on May the 21st
Application Deadline: June 1st, 2015
Interested in getting a PhD in visualization? The Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen is offering several 4-year PhD fellowship positions with an application deadline
of June 1st, 2015. Please see the jobs section of our website for further information.
Questions to
Stefan.Bruckner uib.no
or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
VCF on April the 10th
VCF on March the 13th
VCF on February the 6th
Many news at once
Due to technical issues we could not publish news
for quite some time, so here is a summary of the
most important events of the last couple of months.
On October 31, our student
Geir Smestad successfully defended his
master thesis, entitled
Interactive Visual Analysis of Streaming Data
Geir was supervised by Helwig Hauser, and his
opponent was Kresimir Matkovic, from the VRVis
research center in Vienna.
Our colleague Pina Kingman completed a short animation
entitled Our Resilient Genome.
The movie was presented at a dedicated art exhibition here in Bergen, from
November 15 to 21. If you'd like to know more, here are some related links:
Event's page on Facebook
Pictures from the event
Pina's page on Vimeo
It is by now a tradition that Medviz
and the Visual Computing Forum organize a joint seminar
at the end of the semester.
This time the seminar took place on December 12 and we had talks from 4 eminents speakers:
Bernhard Kainz (Imperial College London)
Torfinn Taxt (Univ. of Bergen)
Radovan Jirik
Ivan Viola (TU Wien).
All the details about the seminar are summarized
Our colleague, Andrea Brambilla, held his trial lecture on Video Visualization on November 28.
Three weeks later he managed to succesfully defend his PhD thesis, entitled
Visibility-oriented Visualization Design for Flow Illustration.
His opponents were Prof. Gerik Scheuermann (Univ. of Leipzig) and Dr. Tino Weinkauf (Max Planck Inst. of Informatics).
After this dense update, the VisGroup wishes you all a nice holiday holiday
season and a great start for 2015!
Questions to Stefan.Bruckner uib.no or Helwig.Hauser uib.no
New Ph.D.: Mattia Natali!
We express our sincere congratulations to our colleague Mattia Natali,
who has succesfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on Friday, September 19.
His thesis, entitled
Sketch-based Modelling and Conceptual
Visualization of Geomorphological Processes for Interactive Scientific
, can be found on our publications page.
The details about Mattia's defence are summarized in the
official announcement.
We would also like to thank the opponents, Prof. Dr. Bernd Fröhlich
(Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar, Germany) and Dr. André Brodtkorb
(SINTEF, Oslo), who gave two highly interesting talks in the afternoon.
More information about their talks are available
Questions to Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
Talk on Integration-based Flow Visualization!
Next Wednesday (Sept. 17), our colleague Andrea Brambilla
(VisGroup, UiB) will give
an introductory talk on Integration-based flow visualization.
The talk will take place in the Lille auditorium (2nd floor,
Høyteknologisenteret), from 4pm until 5pm.
All the information are summarized in the
Questions to Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
Best Paper Award!
VCF Seminar on August 29!
After the summer break, the
Visual Computing Forum seminar series will
resume this Friday. Our speaker, Mattia Natali
(Visualization Group, UiB), will present an
introduction to the visualization of functional
medical data. Mattia is going to complete his PhD
in September and this talk is also his trial
All the details can be found on our
seminar page
Questions to vcf.bergen gmail.com
IllustraSound on TU!
MedViz Workshop and Conference!
We are pleased to announce that the
MedViz Workshop
and the
MedViz+MedIm Conference
will take place in June at Hotel Grand Terminus.
June 16:
MedViz Workshop
(500kr, students free)
June 17-18:
MedViz+MedIm Conference
(500kr, students free)
Participants at the Conference may also join our sailship trip and dinner
on board Statsraad Lehmkuhl, Tuesday afternoon 17.06 (500kr, students free)
The official announcement can be found
Questions to Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
We are glad to announce the upcoming VCF seminar by Anselm Spoerri,
professor at Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA). He will present
searchCrystal, a tool for the visualization and manipulation of sets.
The seminar will take place on Monday, May 26, at 14.15 in room 3137.
All the details can be found on our
seminar page.
Questions to vcg.bergen gmail.com
MedViz Seminar!
The MedViz seminar series will host two prominent researcher from the medical visualization field.
Marc Streit (Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria) will talk about Visual Analysis in the context of molecular biology.
Paolo Angelelli (University of Bergen, Norway) instead will focus on cohort study data.
More details can be found
or on the
MedViz webpage.
Questions to Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
Nathalie Reuter (professor at the Dept. of Molecular Biology - UiB)
will give a presentation at this Friday's VCF seminar. The title of
her talk is
Molecular dynamics simulations for biomolecules:
principles and examples
Find more on our dedicated page.
Questions to vcf.bergen gmail.com
As part of our VCF seminar series, Lasse Løvstakken (Dept. Circulation
and Medical imaging, NTNU) will present an overview of the state-of-the-art
in ultrasound blood flow imaging. The seminar will take place next week,
on Friday, March 7. All the details can be found on our
dedicated page
Questions to vcf.bergen gmail.com
MedViz and VCF have worked together for organizing the last seminar of
2013. We will host a remarkable speaker,
Jos Roerdink
(Bernoulli Inst. for Mathematics and Univ. of Groningen), whose
talk is entitled
Brain Patterns: from EEG Coherence Networks to
Prediction of Neurodegenerative Diseases
All the details can be found on our
seminar page
Questions to vcf.bergen gmail.com
We congratulate our colleague Cagatay Turkay
who has successfully defended his PhD thesis on November 22.
His thesis is entitled
Integrating Computational Tools in Interactive
and Visual Methods for Enhancing High-dimensional Data and Cluster
We would also like to thank Jean-Daniel Fekete, Jörn Kohlhammer
and Peter Filzmoser, who entertained us for the rest of the day with
three very interesting talks.
More details can be found in the
and in the
official announcement
Questions to Helwig.Hauser uib.no
Seminar on Tensor Algebra in Continuum Mechanics
New Visualization Master: Øyvind Sture!
We are glad to announce that our ex-student Øyvind Sture has succesfully
defended his master thesis in visualization. Congratulations!
Title: Illustrative 3D visualization of seismic data
Supervisors: Helwig Hauser and Daniel Patel
Sensor: Dag Magne Ulvang
Time: Friday, Oct. 11, starting at 9.00am
Place: room 2103 (1st floor, data blokk, Høyteknologisenteret)
Seismic datasets are usually large and noisy, with no apparent structures,
at least to the untrained eye. Geo-illustrators and geologist use a set of 2D textures,
lithological patterns, to show the interpreted information in seismic data. Lithological
patterns are illustrations of the contents of a rock unit or a rock formation. For 2D
slice viewing, and for 2D planar cuts in a 3D object, a 2D texture is sufficient.
But to fully take advantage of the information found in 3D seismic datasets, we want to
explore the use of specially designed 3D textures to show the interpreted information.
This opens up some new possibilities, such as viewing the interior of the seismic volume,
by using traditional tools for handling of occlusion. Unfortunately, no such 3D lithological
textures exists.
This thesis deal with the process of creating the 3D textures. We analyse and break the 2D
lithological patterns down into symbols and their integration. Then each 2D symbol is
manually extended to its plausible 3D counterpart, and finally the 3D objects are placed in
the texture as dened by its integration. The control over this synthesis process is placed
in a XML schema for flexibility. The lithological patterns covers a variety of di erent
textures from stochastic such as sand to the structural limestone, and thus follows the two
main types of textures that we are able to create, structured textures and stochastic textures.
Questions to Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
VisBio workshop 2013!
VCF Season 3!

are glad to announce that the Visual Computing Forum (VCF) seminar series
will resume this Friday, August 23, entering its 3rd year. The VCF, is a series
of monthly seminars, organized by the VisGroup at the UiB Department of Informatics
with selected talks from visual computing, addressing the fields of visualization,
image processing, computer graphics, etc.
This Friday, our speaker will be
Stefan Bruckner, professor at the VisGroup and an
awarded scientist in the international visualization research community.
You are invited to join the seminar, which will be focused on
Smart Visualization in Medicine.
All the details can be found in the
or on the
VCF seminar webpage!
The seminar will be preceded by the Master defense of Andreas Lind. Check the
related post here.
Questions to vcf.bergen gmail.com
Master thesis defense of Andreas Lind!

Our M.Sc. student Andreas will defend his master thesis this Friday, August 23.
You are all invited to join!
Title: Selected Opportunities for the Semiautomatic Analysis
of Spectrally Decomposed Seismic Data
Abstract: Seismic imaging/visualization of the subterranean is an important part
in the process of identifying and extracting hydrocarbons such as oil and gas.
One promising method that is used to assist in visualizing seismic reflection data
is spectral decomposition. Spectral decomposition is a contrast enhancing technique
that helps in identifying subterranean features. This thesis presents a set of new
opportunities for visualizing spectrally decomposed seismic based on techniques known
from visualization and image Segmentation. In particular it focuses on presenting a
new technique based on Interactive Visual Analysis (IVA) and feature extraction based
image segmentation. In addition to the visualization and segmentation techniques,
pre-processing steps for making the data more suitable for visualization are
suggested. Some of the pre-processing techniques are well known from the image
processing field.
Time: Friday, August 23, 2013, 08h45
Place: room 2143, Høyteknologisenteret, floor 2
The thesis was supervised by professor Helwig Hauser. The sensor will be Dr.
Armin Pobitzer from Christian Michelsen Research.
All the details are summarized in the
Questions to Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
We are happy to congratulate our colleague Endre M. Lidal, who has
succesfully defended his PhD thesis, entitled
Sketch-based Storytelling for Cognitive
Problem Solving - Externalization, Evaluation, and Communication in
. Congratulations!
All the details are summarized in the
and in the
official announcement
Questions to viola cg.tuwien.ac.at
In connection with the Ph.D. defense of Endre M. Lidal, his opponents
Marie-Paule Cani and Joaquim A. Jorge presented an
overview about their research, related to sketch-based interaction,
tangible interfaces, and expressive graphics and visualization.
More details about the seminar can be found in the
We would like to thank the speakers for their impressive talks!
Questions to viola cg.tuwien.ac.at
Four year PhD position available
at the Visualization Group!
New PhD from the VisGroup Åsmund Birkeland!

We are happy to congratulate our colleague Åsmund Birkeland, who has
succesfully defended his PhD thesis, entitled
Ultrasonic Vessel Visualization: From
Extraction to Perception
. Congratulations!
All the details are summarized in the
Dirk Bartz Prize to Ivan Viola and his team!
At this year's
Eurographics conference in Girona
, Spain,
professor Ivan Viola and his team
received the prestigious
Eurographics Medical Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine
(named after Dirk Bartz). Eurographics is the annual
top-conference in computer graphics in Europe and the
Dirk Bartz Prize
is bi-annually awarded in order to acknowledge
top-contributions to the field of visual computing in medicine.
The visualization research group in Bergen, and in particular
the IllustraSound project, with its interdisciplinary team of
researchers, is honored and moved for having received this
important award for their recent efforts to contribute
technological progress for the high-quality visualization
of data from 3D ultrasonography.
New professor and new members at the VisGroup!

For almost one year, the department of informatics
have been looking for new professors, and this
process is producing its first results. We are
proud to announce that
has been recently appointed professor in
group! We would also like to welcome two
other new members of our group: Anne-Kristin Stavrum
and Ivan Kolesar, who
are respectively researcher and PhD student in the
context of the PhisioIllustrator Project.
Congratulation and welcome to all of you!
New Visualization Master:
Morten Bendiksen

Congratulation to our student Morten Bendiksen, who
succesfully defended his M.Sc. thesis entitled
Rapid Modeling of Geology
. Abstract:
"Drawing three dimensional
models of geological phenomena is today a process
requiring training in specific programs that can be
very time consuming. For illustration and
communication of geological concepts, geologists
therefore often limit themselves to drawing on paper
or to two dimensional drawing applications. In this
thesis I propose an approach for making rapid
geologic illustrations in 3D. The novel idea for the
approach consists of sketch based input on a cube in
order to create a layered geological structure.
Further details can be added to the layers by
sketching geological concepts such as rivers,
mountains and valleys. Sedimentary deposits can be
created through a procedural modeling approach that
employs a volume preserving diffusion algorithm to
simulate the flow of depositional material on top of
the terrain. Awareness of the geologic domain
enables a sparse amount of input strokes to be
interpreted into geological structures. Results show
that the proposed approach can be used with success
to model geological layers. Compared with a 2D
sketch, the creation of a 3D geometry on a computer
gives advantages such as perspective control, ease
of making changes to the model, etc. The approach
shows great promise and can be useful in many
situations. A program based on the proposed approach
could become a standard way for geologists to draw
their illustrations." For more
information check out the flyer.
Four year PhD position available
at the Visualization Group
Article featured in TVCG!

Visualization and Visual Analysis of
Multifaceted Scientific Data: A Survey
by Johannes
Kehrer and Helwig Hauser, is currently featured on
. The paper will be published in the TVCG
issue of March 2013. Congratulation to the
7th MedViz Conference recently

The 7th MedViz conference was held January 15 in
Hotel Grand Terminus Hall in Bergen. It has been an
event of great relevance in the local visualization
community, with 7 invited international speakers and
more that one hundred participants! More
information can be found on
Open position in scientific
illustration and 3D animation within the
Physioillustration project!!
Three year position in new
Ultrasound Visualization project (PostDoc or PhD
Open Ph.D. position in the Physioillustration

A Ph.D. position is available at our group in the
context of the Physioillustration project.
Application deadline is December 10. The
announcement and application form can be found
, do not hesitate to contact us for additional
Questions to
Ivan.Viola UiB.no
New PhD from the VisGroup: Veronika

We are happy to congratulate our colleague
who successfully
defended her PhD thesis, entitled
. Her defence was held on October 4,
2012, and was the opening talk of the
. Congratulations! For more information
check the flyer
or the
official announcement
Questions to Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
New Visualization Master: Stian Sivertsen

Congratulation to our student Stian Sivertsen, who
succesfully defended his M.Sc. thesis entitled
Extraction, and Illustrative Visualization of an
FTLE Flow Field
. Abstract:
"Illustrative visualization of a flow is an
area that is proving to be interesting and in later
years something that have been somewhat explored, it
can provide some very interesting results and in
this thesis we find the required structures needed
for such a visualization. Lagrangian coherent
structures are now commonly used in flow
visualization and we establish a simplistic approach
to creating them in this thesis. The problem of
occlusion and the general complexity of both the
data and the visual results are still a common thing
when working with a structured flow. This thesis
presents a solution that identifies the complex and
often large amounts of data that is inherent in a
flow and tries to find a good way of extracting the
structures within. By using the FTLE values found in
the flow data we define these structures so that we
can see what is going on in these complex systems,
as well as combining it with an illustrative
approach that will provide an interesting visual
aspect to the integral structures found in flows. By
using mathematical analysis of the raw data we
obtain the necessary tools we need to define and
extract ridges that form LCS that we can then
model.We use a simple approach by focusing on the
basic components of such complex structures as well
as utilizing often long standing principles in an
interesting way. Combining the strengths of both
illustrative visualization and the clarity of
integral structures we can create a more visual
sound model that loses some of its cluttering
complexities but is still capable of generating a
pleasing visual end result." For more
information check the flyer.
IllustraSound Project at

The IllustraSound
project will make a substantial contribution to the
here in Bergen. First of all, our colleague
Veronika Šoltészová will
compete in the
grand prix
on Friday evening at Grieghallen. We
wish her the best of luck! On Saturday,
IllustraSound will be also present with a
in Festplassen
, showcasing the most recent
advancement in acquisition and display of 3D
ultrasound data. Moreover, just yesterday,
Bergen's Tidende published an article
about Veronika's work the IllustraSound project.
Congratulations for the great success!
New Visualization Master: Sondre Hisdal

Congratulation to our student Sondre Hisdal, who
succesfully defended his M.Sc. thesis entitled
Frequency Modulated Shading
. Abstract:
"In this thesis we describe a frequency
modulated shading technique. The goal is to improve
the visualization of 3D ultrasound data by combining
depth cues from shadows, and structural information
from gradient-based shading. The computation of
gradients suffer from noise, and since ultrasound
data has a low signalto- noise ration straight
forward gradient computation gives poor results. To
improve the gradient-based shading we use frequency
modulation to get smoothed gradient. The technique
performs a local area analysis for each voxel in the
volume. The analysis creates a local subvolume
around the voxel currently being investigated. This
subvolume is transformed into frequency domain,
where some frequencies are filtered out. The
filtered volume is transformed back into spatial
domain, where it is used to compute gradients. The
filtered gradients are then used in combination with
a shadow renderer, to provide both gradient based
shading and shadows." For more
information check the flyer.
New Visualization Master: Kari Ringdal

We congratulate our student Kari Ringdal who has
successfully defended her M.Sc. thesis entitled
Segmentation of Seismic Data.
"This thesis presents an image processing
method for identifying separation layers in seismic
3D reflection volumes. This is done by applying
techniques from flow visualization and using GPU
acceleration. In geology sound waves are used for
exploring the earth beneath the surface. The
resulting seismic reflection data gives us a
representation of sedimentary rocks. Analyzing
sedimentary rocks and their layering can reveal
major historical events, such as earth crust
movement, climate change or evolutionary change.
Sedimentary rocks arc also important as a source of
natural resources like coal, fossil fuels, drinking
water and ores. The first step in analyzing seismic
reflection data is to find the borders between
sedimentary units that originated at different
times. This thesis presents a technique for
detecting separating borders in 3D seismic data.
Layers belonging to different units can not always
be detected by looking in a local neighborhood. Our
presented technique avoids the shortcoming of
existing methods that work on a local scale by
addressing the data globally. We utilize methods
from the fields of flow visualization and image
processing. We describe a border detection
algorithm, as well as a general programming pipeline
for preprocessing the data on the graphics card. Our
GPU processing supports fast filtering of the data
and a real-time update of the viewed volume slice
when parameters are adjusted." For more
information check the flyer.
Open Ph.D. position!

A Ph.D. position is available at the Department of
Informatics, University of Bergen. Application
deadline is August 10. If you are interested in
applying and you want to focus on Visualization or
related topic, make sure that it is clearly stated
in your application! The announcement and
application form can be found
, do not hesitate to contact us for additional
Questions to
Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
Two new PhDs from the VisGroup

We congratulate both Armin Pobitzer and
from our VisGroup to their successful PhD
defenses, which happened June 22, this year.
Congratulations! For more information
check the flyers (Angelelli,
or the official announcements (Angelelli,
Questions to Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
EU project SemSeg successfully finished
We are pleased to report that the EC-funded FET-Open
project SemSeg,
which we also coordinated here in Bergen, was
successfully finished by the end of June, this
year. As result of the final review meeting
(2nd of July in Zürich, Switzerland), the
European Commission concluded that they found the
project successful and finished. Results from
the SemSeg project can be found at the respective results
page on the SemSeg
project web page.
Questions to Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
Open Ph.D. position

Two Ph.D. positions are available at the Department
of Informatics, University of Bergen. Application
deadlines are June 10 for one position, and August
10 for the other one. If you are interested
in applying and you want to focus on Visualization
or related topic, make sure that it is clearly
stated in your application! The announcements
and application forms can be found at
, do
not hesitate to contact us for additional
questions to Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
Invited talk by André Brodtkorb

We are pleased to announce the invited talk by
André Brodtkorb, which will take place next
Thursday, 2012-05-31, in the Lille Auditorium.
André is currently a research scientist at SINTEF and
associate professor (førsteamanuensis) at the
Norwegian School of
Information Technology
. He will present an overview
of GPU computing and current research topics at the
Department of Applied Mathematics at SINTEF.
More information available in the flyer.
contact Helwig.Hauser UiB.no
Upcoming publications

Several of our papers have been recently accepted
for publication at international journals or
conferences; here is a run down:
"Geological Storytelling - Graphically
Exploring and Communicating Geological Sketches",
by Lidal et al., has been accepted at the
SBIM conference 2012
"Real time image-based tracking of 4D
ultrasound data", by Øye et al., has been
conditionally accepted at the
conference 2012
"A Hierarchical Splitting Scheme to Reveal
Insight into Highly Self-Occluded Integral
Surfaces", by Brambilla et al., has been accepted
at the WSCG 2012
The papers will be soon available in our
publications section
NFR Evaluation

Every 10 years, Norway's Research Council is
organizing an evaluation of all research groups in
informatics in Norway, which is worked out by an
international board of experts. Being still
relatively young, the visualization research group
in Bergen was now evaluated for the first time. In
total, 62 research groups were evaluated. Five of
them received the best possible grade (5) and we are
proud that two of them are also from the Dept. of
Informatics in Bergen. The VisGroup Bergen was rated
4-5 which places it amongst the top-15% of all
informatics research groups in the country -- a good
start, as we think! :-)
full evaluation can be found
Upcoming publications

Several of our papers have been recently accepted
for publication at international journals or
conferences; here is a run down:
"Illustrative Flow Visualization: State of
the Art, Trends and Challenges", by Brambilla et
al., has been accepted at the Eurographics
conference 2012.
"Illustrative Membrane Clipping", by
Birkeland et al., has been accepted at the EuroVis
conference 2012.
"Visualization and Visual Analysis of
Multi-faceted Scientific Data: a Survey", by Kehrer
and Hauser, has been accepted for publication in
"Design Principles for Cutaway
Visualization of Geological Models", by Lidal et
al., and "Stylized Volume Visualization of Streamed
Sonar Data", by Šoltészová et
al., have been accepted at the SCCG conference
The papers will be soon available in our
publications section
Recent publication in
PostDoc position in visualization!
deadline: March 8
Book from TopoInVis 2011
Visual Computing Forum
Trial Lecture
Daae Lampe gave his trial lecture on
visualization: web technologies suitable for
(interactive) visualization and related
. Wed., 2011-10-26, 14h15, room
2143 @ HiB.
Questions to Helwig
Visual Computing Forum
Keynote at TP.CG.2011
Upcoming book resulting from TopoInVis 2011
Very successful EuroVis 2011 in Bergen
satisfaction we are looking back at a very
successful EuroVis 2011, which was highly
appreciated by its participants. It is notable
that new dimensions were conquered with this year's
EuroVis: never ever more participants joined
recorded an up of about 15% compared to 2009 and
; no other high-quality conference on
visualization (world-wide) received more submissions
than EuroVis 2011; and more than half of
the (significantly larger than ever)
conference budget was covered by supporters and sponsors. Many
reasons, actually, to be very glad to having had
EuroVis 2011 in Bergen!
to Helwig Hauser or Ivan Viola.
Successful PhD defense by Johannes Kehrer

who successfully defended his PhD project at
: Mai 18, 2011, ICT Research School,
Solstrand Hotel, Os; given topic: "
Analysis of data in meteorology and climatology
: May 27, 2011, 3pm, Large Auditorium, room
Visual Analysis of Multi-faceted Scientific Data
Evaluation committee: Heidrun Schumann, Min Chen, Marcus A. Bezem.
to Helwig Hauser.
TopoInVis 2011 in Zurich

The Fourth Workshop on Topology-Based Methods in
Data Analysis and Visualization, TopoInVis 2011, took
place in Zurich, Switzerland, April
4–6, 2011. We are looking back on the
nice week including many high-level scientific
contributions and SemSeg-related activities. The
program is available here.

Questions to Helwig Hauser.
Medical imaging conference
Preparing for EuroVis 2011 in Bergen
visualization group is entrusted to organize
Europe's biggest and most important visualization
conference, EuroVis 2011, May
31–June 3, in Bergen next year. We are excited
about this big honor and challenge at the same time.
We have started to organize the conference and are
preparing the event's public relations including
flyers, posters, web pages, etc.
to Helwig Hauser and Ivan Viola.
Invited Talk by Oliver Deussen: Computational Aesthetics
– science or art?

Prof. Oliver Deussen from the University of
Konstanz, Germany, was visiting Bergen and we could
listen to his interesting talk on
Questions to Helwig Hauser or Ivan
Master thesis defense by Stian Eikeland
Fr., 2010-09-24, at 2pm,
successfully defended his Master thesis on
Multi-Volume Visualization and
". See the
for more details.

Questions to Helwig Hauser.
MedViz Seminar on Ultrasound Data

We have two interesting talks at the upcomming
, September 10, 2010, 12:15
Store Aud. (room 2144),
blokk, 2nd floor)
, Thormøhlensgate 55:
Questions to Helwig Hauser or Ivan
VRVis Conference Calendar updated

We are happy to report that the
Conference Calendar
is back in an up-to-date
state. Now it is even easier to stay tuned with your
favorite conferences and deadlines. Also the
updating procedure has been optimized in order to
facilitate the future maintenance of the
Questions to Helwig
Special Issue on
Illustrative Visualization published

The special issue with Guest
Editors Ivan Viola, Helwig Hauser, and David Ebert
is published in the Computers & Graphics
journal, vol. 34, issue 4, August 2010.
to Helwig Hauser and Ivan Viola.
Success at EuroVis 2010
June 9-11, Bordeaux, France
Invited Talk by Philipp Muigg - thanks

Muigg from SimVis GmbH in Vienna, Austria, was
visiting Bergen and we enjoyed the fruitful research
exchange with him. We were also lucky to
listen to him in the
June 17
, 2010, 14:15, on "
Data Challenges in

Questions to Helwig Hauser or Ivan
Mario Costa Sousa in Bergen - thanks for the visit

Costa Sousa from the University of Calgary was
visiting Bergen and we had a very interesting time
with him, talking about illustrative visualization
and sketch-based modeling. We also were lucky to
listen to him in the
May 27
, 2010, 14:15, on "
Illustrative Modeling

Questions to Helwig Hauser or Ivan
The Master visited Bergen - tusen takk
Successful Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
conference was held in
Castle, Slovak Republic
during May 13-15,
2010. The programme of full of very
interesting paper presentations and excellent
invited talks (by Alfred Inselberg, Milos Sramek,
and Michael Goesele). The atmosphere was
excellent and we are looking forward to the next
SCCG already now.
Questions to Helwig Hauser.
Best Student Paper at Graphics Interface
31- June 2, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
PhD defense by Jean-Paul Balabanian
Successful PhD defense by Daniel Patel
by Dieter Hönigmann
thank our guest
for his nice invited talk ''
Images of Nasty Data - The Art of
Ultrasound Data Visualization
'' (Oct. 1st,
An abstract
is available here.
Questions to Helwig Hauser or Ivan Viola.
New IllustraSound project
by Timo Ropinski
thank Timo Ropinski (from the the VisCG
group at the Univ. of Münster, Germany) for a
wonderful invited talk about Multimodal
Vessel Visualization of Mouse Aorta PET/CT Scans on
Sept. 4th, 2009. An abstract
is available. Questions to
Ivan Viola (or Helwig Hauser).
SemSeg project started
are glad to report that the new SemSeg project was
successfully started. A first draft of a project home page
has been set up. We acknowledge the support
from the European Commission in the context of the
7th Framework Programme. Questions
to Ivan Viola (or Helwig Hauser).
Balabanian has published an online
volume raycaster on our web page -- have a look and
enjoy! For more information contact
Jean-Paul Balabanian (contact
information on our team page)
participating in new EU-project VisMaster!
are glad to report that the Bergen VisGroup is
participating in a new EU-project (coordination
action VisMaster
) to establish visual analytics research in
Europe. Questions should be directed to
Helwig.Hauser UiB.no.