INF 223, Spring 2015, Plan of Lectures (Status 08.05.2015)

Nr.DateWeekTopicsPages 3 - What is Category Theory?
- shift of paradigm
- informal discussion of products, dualization, sums
5 - 8 4 - graphs and graph homomorphisms: motivation, examples, definition
- opposite graphs
- discussion of isomorhisms between graphs
8 - 12 4 - composition of maps and identity maps
- composition of graph homomorphisms and identity graph homomorphisms
- associativity and identity law of composition
- definition of category
12 - 14 5 - categories Set and Graph
- a universal definition of isomorphism
- composition of isomorphisms is isomorphism
- isomorphisms in Set are bijective maps
- some finite categories
- representation of finite categories by pictorial diagrams
14 - 16 5 - other categories with sets as objects: Incl, Inj, Par
- subcategory: examples and definition
- Nat and Incl as pre-order categories
- discussion associations in class diagrams
- composition of relations
17 - 22 6 - category Rel
- association ends and multimaps
- category Mult
23 - 27 6 - monoids: examples and definition
- monoid morphisms: examples and definition
- category Mon of monoids
- universal property of lists
27 - 29 7 - functors: motivation, definition
- functors: examples
- product categories
- opposite category and contravariant functors
29 - 32 7 - identity functors and composition of functors
- categories of categories: Cat, CAT, SET, GRAPH
- pathes: motivation, examples, definition
- path graph and evaluation of paths
- categorical diagrams: motivation, definition, examples
- commutative diagram: definition and examples
- path categories
32 - 33 8 - summary of the first lectures about "structures"
- general discussion about models and metamodels
- discussion of a "metamodel" MG of graphs
- graphs as interpretations of the graph MG in Set
- graph homomorphisms as natural transformations
- definition of natural transformations
35 - 39 8 - natural transformations: composition and identities
- definition of interpretation categories
- indexed sets as functor category
- arrow categories
- category of E-graphs
- discussion of arrows between arrows
- path equations, satisfaction of path equations
- model interpretations
- reflexive graphs
39 - 42 9 - motivation of "typing" by ER-diagrams and Petri nets
- type graph and typed graphs and their morphisms
- definition slice category
- example typed E-graphs
43 - 48 9 - equivalence relations and equivalence classes
- quotient sets and natural maps
- unique factorization of maps
- equivalences as abstraction in mathematics
- quotient path categories
48 - 56 - monomorphisms: definition, examples in Set, Graph, Incl
- epimorphisms: definition, examples in Set, Graph, Incl
- split mono's and epi's
- in Set all epi's are split -> axiom of choice
56 - 60
05.03.1510 no lecture (Fagkritisk dag) - initial objects: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, , Mult, Graph
- terminal objects: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, Mult, Graph - sum: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, Graph
- product: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, Graph - motivation pullbacks: inner join, synchronization, products of typed graphs, pre-images
- pullbacks: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, Graph
- preimages as pullbacks - equalizers, general construction of pullbacks by products and equalizers
- equalizers are mono
- monics are reflected by pullbacks, coding of monics by pullbacks
- composition of pullbacks is a pullback and decomposition of pullbacks - motivation pushouts: sharing, decomposition of graphs, rule applications
- pushouts: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, Graph
- coequalizers, general construction of pushouts by sums and coequalizers
- discussion: two lines of constructions - definition of diagrams
- cones and limits
- co-cones and colimits
- completeness and co-completeness
- stepwise construction of limits and colimits

31.03.1514 no lecture (Easter Holiday)
02.04.1514 no lecture (Easter Holiday)

07.04.1515 no lecture (conference)
09.04.1515 no lecture (conference)

14.04.1516 no lecture (conference)
16.04.1516 no lecture (conference) research project: flexible and universal diagrammatic formalism
- categorical sketches: example binary relations
- criticism of sketch approach
- relation = jointly injective/monic
- dualization = jointly surjective/epic (cover) - ER diagrams in DPF
- key = injective map
- compound attributes = products
- formalization of associations: predicate [opp]
- diagrammatic signature: definition and examples
- atomic constraints
- diagrammatic specification - semantic interpretations in a "semantic universe" U
- indexed semantics = interpretation categories
- satisfaction of atomic constraints
- specification morphisms: definition and example - revised type graph for ER diagrams
- semantics-as-instances
- discussion extending type graphs to metamodels
- informal discussion of modeling hierarchies - (revised) specification entailments: examples and definition
- graph constraints and universal constraints: examples and validity
- discussion: specification entailments give rise to universal constraints - Universal constraints as transformation rules
- model transformation = pushout
- discussion: negative application conditions
- specification entailments as transformation rules = deduction
- example joint formalism and model transformation
- discussion: deletion rules

12.05.1520 no lecture (instituttsamling)
14.05.1520 no lecture ( Ascension Day)

21 No more lectures

22 No more lectures

05.06.1523 Oral Exam