INF 223, Spring 2013, Plan of Lectures

Nr.DateWeekTopicsPages 3 - What is Category Theory?
- shift of paradigm
- informal discussion of products, dualization, sums
5 - 8 4 - graphs and graph homomorphisms: motivation, examples, definition
- opposite graphs
- discussion of isomorhisms between graphs
8 - 12 4 - composition of maps and identity maps
- composition of graph homomorphisms and identity graph homomorphisms
- associativity and identity law of composition
- definition of category
12 - 14 5 - categories Set and Graph
- a universal definition of isomorphism
- isomorphisms in Set are bijective maps
- some finite categories
14 - 16 5 - category Nat
- other categories with sets as objects: Incl, Inj, Par, Rel
- speciality of Nat and Incl? - pre-order categories
- category Mult
17 - 22 6 - monoids: examples and definition
- monoid morphisms: examples and definition
- category Mon of monoids
- universal property of lists
23 - 27 6 - functors: motivation, definition
- functors: examples
- functors preserve isomorphisms
- opposite category and contravariant functors
27 - 29 7 - identity functors and composition of functors
- categories of categories: Cat, CAT, SET
- pathes: motivation, examples, definition
- path category: definition, examples
29 - 32 7 - universal property of path categories
- bijection between Graph(G,gr(C)) and Cat(P(G),C)
- summary of the first lectures about "structures"
32 - 33 8 - general discussion about models and metamodels
- discussion of a "metamodel" MG of graphs
- graphs as interpretations of the graph MG in Set
- graph homomorphisms as natural transformations
- definition of natural transformations
- natural transformations: composition and identities
35 - 39 8 - definition of interpretation and functor category
- iso's in interpretation categories are the natural isomorphisms
- indexed sets as functor category
- motivation of "typing" by ER-diagrams and Petri nets
- type graph and typed graphs and their morphisms
- definition slice category
39 - 42 9 - transformations between indexed and typed sets
- discussion of equivalence of categories
- generalization to interpretations of graphs
- path equations, satisfaction of path equations
43 - 48 9 - reflexive graphs and finite state machines
- injective and surjective maps: definitions, examples, properties
- equivalence relations and equivalence classes
- quotient sets and natural maps
- unique factorization of maps
- equivalences as abstraction in mathematics
- quotient path categories
48 - 56 - monomorphisms: definition, examples in Set, Graph, Incl
- epimorphisms: definition, examples in Set, Graph, Incl
- split mono's and epi's
- in Set all epi's are split -> axiom of choice
56 - 60
07.03.1310 no lecture (Fagkritisk dag) - initial objects: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, , Mult, Graph
- terminal objects: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, Mult, Graph
60 - 63 - sum: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, Graph
- product: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, Graph
63 - 69 - motivation pullbacks: inner join, synchronization, products of typed graphs, pre-images
- pullbacks: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, Graph
- equalizers, general construction of pullbacks by products and equalizers
- equalizers are mono
- monics are reflected by pullbacks, coding of monics by pullbacks
- composition of pullbacks is a pullback and decomposition of pullbacks
69 - 71 - motivation pushouts: sharing, decomposition of graphs, rule applications
- pushouts: definition, examples in , Incl, Set, Graph
- coequalizers, general construction of pushouts by sums and coequalizers
- discussion: two lines of constructions

26.03.1313 no lecture (Easter Holiday)
28.03.1313 no lecture (Easter Holiday)

02.04.1314 no lecture (conference UNILOG)
04.04.1314 no lecture (conference UNILOG) - definition of diagrams
- cones and limits
- co-cones and colimits
- completeness and co-completeness
- stepwise construction of limits and colimits
71 - 72
11.04.1315 no lecture

16.04.1316 no lecture (Meeting institute) - discussion: formalization of ER diagrams
- relations as jointly mono's (injections)
- predicates "jointly epi (surjective)" (or "cover" respectively) and "disjoint" - discussion: formalization of associations in class diagrams
- predicate "inverse" (or "opposite" respectively) for multimaps
- discussion: What is a "Diagrammatic Specification Technique"
- example: information system
- definition: signature, atomic constraint, specification - discussion: indexed semantics vs. fibred semantics
- instances of a graph and corresponding slice category
- semantics of predicates
PhD 31 - 43 - instances of a specification and corresponding category
- specification morphisms and corresponding category of specifications
- pullback (reduction) functor
- satisfaction condition
31 - 43 - discussion: metamodelling and OMG's 4-layer hierarchy
- definition, typed signatures, typed constraints, and typed specifications
- conformant specifications
- definition modelling formalism
- discussion: reflexive metamodel and reflexive modelling formalism
47 - 64 - specification entailments
- universal constraints
- discussion: logic and deduction
44- 46, 64 - 70
09.05.1319 no lecture (Ascension Day) - course overview
16.05.1320 No more lectures

21 No more lectures

22 No more lectures

5+6.06.1323 Exam (most probably oral thus also the day can be changed)