/* Another program that does absolutely nothing. The code contains exactly 10 errors and 1 warning. */ int foo; int bar[12]; void bnb(int as) { return; } int fun1(int qwe) { int er; int er[10]; /* Error 1; multiple declaration */ int qwe[4]; /* Warning 1; local variabel shadows formal parameter */ er = er[2] * er + er[4]; /* Type error has already been reported */ foo = fun1(bar); /* Error 2; wrong parameter type */ er = output(bnb(124)); /* Error 3; can't use void function in exp */ if (5 < 3 + bar) { /* Error 4; wrong type in expression */ return; /* Error 5; empty return in int function */ } else { return bar; /* Error 6; wrong type in return statement */ } } void fun2(int hj[], int kl) { foo = 9 + fun1(kl, 5); /* Error 7; wrong number of parameters */ return 2; /* Error 8; non-empty return in void function */ kl = foo[3]; /* Error 9; int variables cannot be subscripted */ } /* Error 10; missing main function */