/* A program that does absolutely nothing. The code is pointless and complicated, but still syntacticly correct. Should pass scanner and parser without errors. */ int foo; int bar; int uio[12]; int comp(int foo) { int ghj[50]; int temp; temp = uio[6]; while(temp < foo) { while(bar) { int foo[34]; output(uio[bar]); bar = foo[foo[2]] - 1; } temp = temp + foo; } { int ghj; return foo == ghj; } } void check(int cvb[], int asd) { return; } int fun(void) { int 33f; int rty[34]; if(uio[2] + 33f == input()) { /* bla bla bla */ output(uio[rty[uio[comp(rty[input()])]]]); } else { check(rty, 33f + bar * foo - (input() <= rty[8])); if(rty[8] >= (5 < (34 > 33f))) /* dfasd fas asd as asd as$%d f a sdf asdf asdf %*/ return 23; else fun(); } return input(); } void main(void) { fun(); output(foo + bar); }