INF 225, Fall 2007


Kenneth C. Louden "Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice", PWS Publishing, 1997.

Lectures and group meetings

There will be 20 lectures of two hours and weekly group meetings of two hours.


There are 10 weekly volontary exercises and 3 compulsory exercises forming a large project
with a complete compiler for C- as the final goal. There will be at least 60 hours needed for the compulsory exercises.

Plan of Lectures

Nr.DateWeekTopicsPages 35Chapter: 1 - Introduction and Chapter: 2 - Scanning
Topics: - Overview of translation
- scanning process (section 2.1)
- use of regular expressions to define tokens (section 2.2)
- Regular expression - introduction and examples
1-18, 21-37 35Chapter: 2 - Scanning
Topics: - Regular expressions - definition and extensions
- Deterministic Finite Automata - an alternative definition of token (section 2.3.1)
- Nondeterministic Finite Automata (section 2.3.2)
- Thompson's construction - from regular expressions to NFA (section 2.4.1)
37-69 36Chapter: 2 - Scanning
Topics: - Subset construction - from NFA to DVA (section 2.4.2)
- minimizing the number of states in a DFA
69-74 36Chapter: 2 - Scanning
Topics: The Lex tool for automatically generating a scanner
- regular expressions in Lex (section 2.6.1)
- format of Lex files (section 2.6.2)
- examples of Lex programs (section 2.6.3)
(75-80) 81-91

10.09.07 37no lecture - 1. obligatory exercise
13.09.07 37no lecture - 1. obligatory exercise 38Chapter: 3 - Context-Free Grammars and Parsing
Topics: - parsing process (section 3.1)
- context-free grammars (section 3.2)
- parse trees and abstract syntax trees (section 3.3)
95-114 38Chapter: 3 - Context-Free Grammars and Parsing
Topics: ambigous grammars: precedence and associativity (sections 3.4.1+2)
- dangling else problem (sections 3.4.3)
- EBNF and Syntax Diagrams (section 3.5)
- Chomsky hierarchy (section 3.6.3)
114-133 38Chapter: 4 - Top-Down Parsing
Topics: - recursive descent parsing (section 4.1)
- left recursion removal and left factoring (section 4.2.3)
143-152, 157-166 39Chapter: 4 - Top-Down Parsing
Topics: LL(1) Parsing
- basic method (section 4.2.1)
- parsing table (section 4.2.1)
27.09.07 37no lecture 4 - Top-Down Parsing
Topics: LL(1) Parsing
- first and follow sets (section 4.3)
- error recovery in recursive-decent parsing (section 4.5)
166-196 5 - Bottom-Up Parsing
Topics: LR(0) parsing
- overview of bottom-up parsing (section 5.1)
- finite automata of LR(0) items (section 5.2.1+2)
197-206 41Chapter: 5 - Bottom-Up Parsing
Topics: - LR(0) parsing algorithm (section 5.2.3)
- SLR(1) parsing (section 5.3)
11.10.07 41no lecture - 2. obligatory exercise

15.10.07 42no lecture - 2. obligatory exercise
18.10.07 42no lecture - 2. obligatory exercise

12. 22.10.07 43Chapter: 6 - Semantic Analysis
Topics: - structure of symbol table (section 6.3.1)
- declarations (section 6.3.2)
- scope rules and block structures (section 6.3.3)
- interaction of declarations (section 6.3.4)
295-313 43Chapter: 6 - Semantic Analysis
Topics: - attributes and attribute grammars (section 6.1)
- algorithms for attribute computations
257-295 44Chapter: 6 - Semantic Analysis
Topics: - data types and type constructors (section 6.4.1)
313-320 44Chapter: 6 - Semantic Analysis
Topics: - type names, type declarations, recursive types (section 6.4.2)
- type equivalence (section 6.4.3)
- type inference and type checking (section 6.4.4)
320-334 45Chapter: 7 - Runtime Environments
Topics: - memory organization (section 7.1)
- fully static runtime environments (section 7.2)
- stack-based runtime environment (section 7.3)
345-373 45Chapter: 7 - Runtime Environments
Topics: - fully dynamic runtime environments (section 7.4)
- parameter passing mechanisms (section 7.5)
373-388 46Chapter: 8 - Code Generation
Topics: - intermediate code
- three-address code, P-code (section 8.1)
- code as a synthesized attribute (section 8.2.1)
397-410 46Chapter: 8 - Code Generation
Topics: - basic code generation techniques (section 8.2)
- code generation of datastructure (section 8.3)
- code generation of control statements (section 8.4)
- code generation of function calls (section 8.5)
Course overview

19.11.07 47no lecture - 3. obligatory exercise
22.11.07 47no lecture - 3. obligatory exercise

26.11.07 48no lecture - 3. obligatory exercise
29.11.07 48no lecture - 3. obligatory exercise

03.12.07 49 Course overview
06.12.07 49no lecture - preparation exam

10.12.07 50 exam