Context-Free Grammars

In this section we will review some "well-known" results about the relationship between context-free grammars and algebras.  These results underly the algebraic approach to the semantics of programming languages.  It is "well-known" that every context-free grammar, G, We will show how the programs given in  the section Signatures, Algebras and Homomorphisms  can be used to explore these results.


 Context-free grammars where originally developed by Noam Chomsky as a means for describing the underlying syntax (grammar) of natural languages.  It was first used in computer science to describe the grammar of the programming language ALGOL 60.  For a while computer scientists used the term "ALGOL-like languages" rather than Chomsky's term, "context-free language".   However it was eventually realized that ALGOL60 was actually not an "ALGOL-like language" and so the term "ALGOL-like-language" ceased to be used.   We will later give an example of a programming language, the language LANG1, that does have a context-free grammar.  However, most programming languages (and all natural languages) do not have context-free grammars.  Despite this fact,  context-free grammars are still very useful and reflect the underlying algebraic structure of both kinds of languages.   Later we will look further into the question of the relationship between the syntax of programming languages and context-free grammars.

Definition:  A context-free grammar G consists of

We can write a  production as a pair  p = <A0,  a0A1a1...Anan>  where 0n, each AiN,  and each aiT*.  Sometimes a production is written in the form
p     A  a0A1a1...Anan

A context-free grammar G = <T, N, P, S> defines a subset L(G) of T* calledthe context free language generated by G.  The set L(G) is defined using the relation G:(NT)* (N T)* where  wGu iff there exists a production  p = <L,R>P and a,b(N T)* such that w=aLb and u = aRb.

Let G be the transitive closure of G. Then L(G) is defined to be { u T* | SG u }.


Example:  Let the grammar G be such that T = {0, 1}, let N = {A}, let P  =  {<A,  0>,  <A,  1A1>},  and let A also be the start symbol.  Then  L(G) =  {0, 101, 11011, ... 1n01n...}

Example: Logical Expressions:

The resulting context-free language, L(G), will be the set of all well-formed logical expressions without variables.  Examples of elements of L(G) include end.

Example:  Arithmetic Expressions I:


Example:  A simple sub-grammar of English.-- yet to come

Example:  LANG1 -- click here to see the context-free grammar of a simple programming language.

The Signature of a Context-free Language

Given a context-free grammar G = <T, N, P, S> define  Sig(G), the signature of G,  to be the signature with Example:  Let the grammar G be such that T = {0, 1}, let N = {A}, let P  =  {<A,  0>,  <A,  1A1>},  and let A also be the start symbol.  Then the corresponding signature, Gram1,  is: Note that, with this signature the only Gram1-terms that we can generate are of the form   p1n(p0( ))  (where p10(p0( )) = p0( ) and   p1n+1(p0( )) = p1( p1n(p0( ))) ).

Example:  To see  the signature corresponding to the example of a context-free grammar for arithmetic expressions click here.

The Algebras of a context-free Grammar

Information is lost in the process of going from a grammar to its signature -- that is, you can not reconstruct the complete grammar from the signature because the operators lack the strings of terminal symbols found in the productions and the signature does not contain any information about the start symbol.  The missing information given by the strings of terminal symbols corresponds to a Sig(G)-algebra, the choice of the start symbol is just the designation of one of its sorts.  The grammar-as-a-whole then corresponds to the unique homomorphism hG:TSig(G) Alg(G) from the initial Sig(G)-algebra to the algebra Alg(G).   Our claim is that, if sS is the start symbol for G then the image of (TSig(G))s  under the homomorphism hG is exactly the set, L(G), i.e., the context free language generated by G.

In terms more familiar to computer scientists,  a Sig(G)-term, t,  is the abstract syntax of  the string hG (t) which, in turn, is a concrete syntax for t.

If there are two  terms  t,t' (TSig(G))s   such that  tt  but hG (t)hG (t')  then we say that the grammar G is ambiguous.

Since the real interest is in the image of (TSig(G))s  under the of hG , we have some freedom in the definition of Alg(G):

This being the case we can give the following definition for Alg(G)

This definition for  pAlg(G) can be directly translated into a  JavaScript expression suitable for use with our JavaScript representation of algebras as

pAlg(G) (t1,...,tn) = a0 + arg[0] + a1 + ...+ arg[n] + an .

Example:  Let the grammar G be such that T = {0, 1}, let N = {A}, let P  =  {<A,  0>,  <A,  1A1>},  and let A also be the start symbol.  Then the corresponding algebra, alg_Gram1,  is the G-algebra with

The corresponding algebra in JavaScript is given by alg_Gram1
 The algebra alg_Gram1

The signature of alg_Gram1 is: alg_Gram1

The carrier of alg_Gram1 is the set , {1, 0}* . of all strings of zeros and ones. (but is not actually specified in the UA-Calculator version).

The operations of the algebra alg_Gram1 are:
   ["p0", "'0'"]
   ["p1", "'1'+arg[1]+'1'"]

End of algebra alg_Gram1
