Design of Cgipp

1 Name

Classname: Cgipp
class Cgipp
Cgipp(); ~Cgipp(); ..
Based On:
cgi/CgiEnv.H and cgi/htmlTool.H
Cgipp is meant to be an easy-to-use class

2 Purpose

The class' purpose is to provide an easy-to-use interface to CGI-programming and let everybody with knowledge of C++ make CGI-scripts with ease. The class contains few public member-functions to retrieve the data from the web-pages and hides the more complex functions.

3 Analysis

3.1 Datastructure

class Cgipp {
FormEntry *itsFirstEntry;
CgiEnv *itsEnv;

4 Description

4.1 Types

The class contains a pointer to the CgiEnv class and a pointer to the FormEntry class.

4.2 Methods

4.2.1 Basic Methods
void constructor Cgipp()
Description: Constructs the class and initializes all variables and the CGI-Environment.

void destructor ~Cgipp()
Description: Deletes any variables allocated by the class in it's lifetime.

4.2.2 Public Methods
void method getCgiEnv(void ) const
Description: Returns a pointer to the CGI-Environment.

char *method getvar(char *name, int max, int &found, int newlines=1)
Description: Returns a char-pointer to the value of the cgi-variable with name name . If the variable is not found, the method returns NULL and sets found to 0. The max-argument states the maximum-size of the value.

void method getmultivar(char *name, int &numFound)
Description: Returns a double char-pointer to the value of the cgi-variables with the name name . If the variable is not found, the method returns NULL and sets numFound to 0. The numFound-argument returns the number of variables found.

int method getint(char *name, int &found)
Description: Returns an integer with the value of the cgi-variable with name name . If the variable is not found, the method returns 0 and sets found to 0. the value.

double method getdouble(char *name, int &found)
Description: Returns a float-variable with the value of the cgi-variable with name name . If the variable is not found, the method returns 0.0 and sets found to 0.

4.2.3 Protected Methods
void method findEntry(const char *name) const
Description: For internal use

void method findNextEntry(const char *findTarget, FormEntry *findPos) const
Description: For internal use

int method makeString(FormEntry *e, char *result, int max, int newlines) const
Description: For internal use

int method unEscapeChars(char* *sp, const char *cp, int len) const
Description: For internal use

int method firstNonspaceChar(const char *s) const
Description: For internal use

int method getFormInput(void )
Description: For internal use

int method postFormInput(void )
Description: For internal use

int method parseFormInput(const char *data, int length)
Description: For internal use

void method getFirstEntry(void ) const
Description: For internal use


A major expansion from Cgicc v1.0 is the debugging-system, which consists of several easy-to-use macros. These are also described in the file test.cpp also included in the Cgipp v0.3 distribution but the main macros are (all debugging can be crippled by defining NODEBUG ):
DEBUGPUT(arg) - which sends arg to the debug-file
_DEBUGPUT(myostream, arg) - which sends arg to the given ostream
TRACE(arg) - which sends a traced version of arg to the debug-file
_TRACE(myostream, arg) - which sends a traced version of arg to the given ostream
LINEPUT() - which sends a line to the debug-file


When you need to bail out and get a full error-report, it is recommended that you use the macro:
_CgiError(arg) - which will give a full error-message to the user, with arg as the main reason for the Error. This macro should be tested. It will also write output to the debug-file to let you view what really happened.

7 Maintenance

Information about bugs, errors, problems, etc. should be sent to
Written by: Stig Erik Sandø
Version: Document created with SDS v0.20