Quick Start

Use the accompanying example files by changing to the correct directory:

  cd example/
It is always a good idea to validate the configuration file to make sure it is correct:
  java ooc.Validate prop.xml
It is valid if nothing is returned, else one row per error is printed. Then index the data in the darwin database file (db.drw) and the NCBI Taxonomy files (names.dmp and nodes.dmp):
  java softparsmap.DataSourceXmlNcbiTaxonomy prop.xml example
This index file must be rebuilt after changing the database file or the NCBI files. Then root the gene trees in ./trees/ by mapping them on to the tree of life:
  java softparsmap.Compute prop.xml root_example unrooted
The rooted trees with in-paralogous removed are written in to ./target/. These trees and their rooting are described in the softparsmap paper [1] and to compute the final map type
  java softparsmap.Compute prop.xml map_example rooted
The files in target ending with .tree contains the rooted trees in Newick format and the files ending with .info contains two rows from the mapping. The first row is the rooted gene tree in Schreiber format and the second row is an array mapping to the internal nodes. If the value is 'D' the corresponding internal node is duplicated.

You can use this on your own data if you replace db.drw with your own sequence information, and the trees in trees/* with your own, being careful to copy the formats of the example data. More details below.