
Softparsmap is a Java based package implementing the soft parsimony approach presented in [1]. The first part in this section describes the problems that Softparsmap solves. The second half gives an overview of Softparsmaps features.


Depending on the model and assumptions this can be solved in many ways.


Softparsmap is based on the model presented in [1] which is using duplications, losses, and alleles to explain the deviation found between the species tree and the gene tree. Softparsmap assumes that species events that is close enough in time such that alleles might survive, is presented in the species tree as uncertainties. Furthermore, genes can only be transfered from one species to another through a speciation event.

With some additional Java programming the package can be adapted to almost any source of data. However, existing interface retrieve species trees from NCBI Taxonomy, sequence data from an XML file, the gene trees from one file per family, and the results are written to one or two files per family.

Current available features are