
Instances implementing the interface Inparalogous are used to removing in-paralogous. If you want to define your own in-paralog-handler, extend AbstractInparalogous and the abstract tag found in the def.xml file. For more information see section Create a Tag Instance.

InparalogousStandard is the standard procedure to remove in-paralogous in Softparsmap and its tag did="standard" has following attributes.

In order to choose the right sequence to replace the rooted subtree, the algorithm is first sorting the sequences using a compare sorting algorithm and then as the last step, the first in the sorted result is chosen. The procedure used to compare two sequences A and B is as follows.

  1. if A is complete and B is not, A is preferred,

  2. if the item above could not decide then if B is complete and A is not, B is preferred

  3. if items above could not decide then if A is longer then B then A is preferred

  4. if items above could not decide then if B is longer then A then B is preferred

  5. if items above could not decide then if A's GI number is higher then B's GI number, then A is preferred

  6. if items above could not decide then if B's GI number is higher then A's GI number, then B is preferred

  7. if items above could not decide then A is preferred. It has to choose one