Strands of Spidery Silk Searching the Stars

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Pagan sites:

A history of the Pentagram

Bifrost , the Norwegian Asatru society

A Mystical Grove , an excellent compilation of various magical information.Used to Be Moonraven's book of shadows

Pagan Graphic Sets various gifs useful for edgings, links, etc.

Vanessa's Pagan Place herbs, herbs, and a few other things..

Enter The Path of the Crescent Moon Lots of excelent information on Wicca

Arachne's Web Links to Pagan and Wiccan pages

Lilith's stuff Beautiful graphics and pictures

Cauldrons and Broomsticks Homepage for the newsletter of that name


On the Minoan Snake Goddess

Snake Goddess, a picture

Minoan Religion

Other paranormal sites:

The Zodiac Hacker Astrology Menu Various essays on Astrology. Fascinating viewpoint.

Skywind's Psychic Pages Psychic information. Excellent site.

The Gnosis Archive Index of WWW resources on gnosticism and religion.

The Gnosis Archive Index of WWW resources on Kabbalah

Charles Fort About the investigator on the paranormal.

SpiritWeb Perhaps the best site on spiritual matters. Well worth the visit.

The TwoStar Oracle Library A fountain of wisdom for astrologers. Try especially the articles by Jeff Jawer and Robert Hand.
Actually, while you're at it, check out the whole TwoStar site.

Real Astrology Funny but still thought-provoking stuff. Take the personality test..


Science Jokes Archive The name says it all.

Starwars & RASSM

The official RASSM Homepage The homepage of the newsgroup.

rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc The newsgroup itself.

Other Stuff

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