What are the elevations of Kvaenan East and West summits respectively? This is the third highest mountain on the island Senja (Norways second largest island). It is also the highest point in the municipality of Torskan. Most people climb the west summit, since this is listed on the Norwegian map authority page of municipality high points in Norway. (see below) --------- The pictures below are all taken from the West summit. This summit has location N69.20608, E017.13580. There is a bolt in the summit rock, only slightly lower (some centimeter) than the highest point that has been measured (foot of bolt) by the Norwegian map authority to 963.366 meter See: https://www.kartverket.no/kunnskap/fakta-om-norge/Hoyeste-fjelltopp-i-kommunen/hoyeste-fjelltopp-i-hver-kommune/ --------- Pictures: PIC-1_1600.jpg Taken from the west summit with the camera on the rock, 1600 pixel vertical resolution. PIC-2_1600.jpg Taken from the west summit with the camera on the rock, 1600 pixel vertical resolution. Wider angle than PIC-1. PIC-3_1600.jpg Taken from the west summit with the camera held while staying upright on the summit. 1600 pixel vertical resolution. Somewhat wide angle. PIC-4_1600.jpg Taken from the west summit with the camera held while staying upright on the summit. 1600 pixel vertical resolution. More zoom than PIC-3. ---------- A key question in order to proceed with this, is now to identify some of the background peaks, both wrt. elevation and location/distance relative to the view from the West summit. Edward Earl wrote a program Geopix, that then may be able to provide some answers.