The Fourth IEEE Workshop on the Architecture and Implementation of High Performance Communication Systems (HPCS'97)

Sani Beach, Chalkidiki, Greece
June 23-25, 1997
Sponsored by: IEEE Communications Society

Call For Papers

HPCS'97 will focus on all issues related to systems and services for the 21st century. Advances in all areas of computing and networking have resulted in systems that provide a wide range of applications, from digital libraries to real-time games, attracting a diverse population of users, from researchers and students to travelers and shoppers. The rapid changes in the infrastructure used by telephone, cable, and satellite companies and the new competitive environment fostered by privatization and deregulation as well as the growth of intranets and internet service providers have triggered significant efforts to provide additional services over the network to potential users and buyers. HPCS'97 will focus on the architecture, design and implementation of networks, systems and applications that target these emerging systems.

Presentations are sought, which describe original techniques, methodologies, experimental results, design issues and comparative studies related to the general theme. New ideas, approaches and early results are very welcome. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Important Dates:


Papers are restricted to an extended abstract no longer than five formatted postscript pages. To complete your submission, please send the following items by electronic mail to

Only if electronic submission is IMPOSSIBLE, papers may be sent to the following mailing address:

        Dr. Gurudatta M. Parulkar
        ATTN: HPCS 97
        Washington University
        Department of Computer Science
        Applied Research Laboratory
        Campus Box 1045
        St. Louis, Missouri 63130

Steering Committee:

Zygmunt Haas (Cornell U, USA)
Ahmed Tantawy (IBM Research, USA)

General Chair:

Radu Popescu-Zeletin (GMD-FOKUS, Germany)

Program Chair:

Guru Parulkar (Washington University, USA)

Program Committee:

Akio Arutaki (NEC)
Andreas D. Bovopoulos (3Com Corporation, USA)
Augusto Casaca (IST-INESC, Portugal)
Olga Casals (U of Barcelona, Spain)
Jon Crowcroft (UCL, UK)
Christophe Diot (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)
Anthony Ephremides (U of Maryland, USA)
David J. Farber (U of Pennsylvania, USA)
Nicolas D. Georganas (U of Ottawa, Canada)
Mario Gerla (UCLA, USA)
Per Gunningberg (SICS, Sweden)
Zygmunt Haas (Cornell U, USA)
David Hutchison (U of Lancaster and HP Labs, UK)
Manolis Katevenis (FORTH and U of Crete, Greece)
Simon Lam (U of Texas, Austin, USA)
Hanafy Meleis (Racal Data Group, USA)
Yoram Ofek (IBM Research, USA)
Michael Paterakis (TU Crete, Greece)
Niovi Pavlidou (AUTH Thessaloniki, Greece)
Bernhard Plattner (ETH, Switzerland)
George Polyzos (U of California, San Diego, USA)
Krishan Sabnani (Bell Labs, USA)
Pavlos Spirakis (TU Patras and CTI, Greece)
George Stassinopoulos (NTUA, Greece)
James Sterbenz, GTE Labs
Heinrich Stuettgen (IBM Heidelberg, Germany)
Hiroshi Suzuki (NEC, Japan)
Siamak S. Tabrizi (Rome Laboratories, USA)
Asser Tantawi (IBM Research, USA)
Don Towsley (U of Massachussets, USA)
Yannis Viniotis (North Carolina State U, USA)
Martina Zitterbart (TU Braunschweig, Germany)

Local Organization Chair:

Leonidas Georgiadis (AUTH Thessaloniki, Greece)

Finance Chair:

Chatschik Bisdikian (IBM Research, USA)

Registration Chair:

Yurdaer Doganata (IBM Research, USA)

Publicity Chair:

Dimitrios N. Serpanos (U Crete & FORTH, Greece)

For further information, you may contact us at

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