AML related publications

Sofoklis Efremidis, Khalid A. Mughal, Lars Søraas, and John Reppy. AML: Attribute grammars in ML. Nordic Journal of Computing, March 1997.
Khalid A. Mughal and Lars Søraas. Attribute evaluation using neighbour functions. Technical Report 112, Dept. of Informatics, University of Bergen, December 1995.
Khalid A. Mughal and Lars Søraas. Yet another attribute evaluator based on recursive functions. In Proceedings of the Nordic Workshop on Programming Environments Research (NWPER'96), pages 335-344, Aalborg, Danmark, June 1996.
Lars Søraas. Generering av Attribueringsystemer for AML spesifikasjoner. Cand. Scient. thesis, 86 pages, University of Bergen, September 1994.
Khalid A. Mughal, John H. Reppy, and Lars Søraas. ML Code Generation for AML specifications. In Proceedings of the Nordic Workshop on Programming Environments Research (NWPER'94), pages 295-302, Lund, Sweden, June 1994.