Cover imageA Programmer's Guide to Java™ Certification

A Comprehensive Primer

(First Edition)

Khalid A. Mughal Rolf W. Rasmussen

ISBN: 0201596148

Source Code

The source code from all the compilable examples and programming exercise solutions are available. We encourage you to compile, run and play with the source code.

The source code is available as both a JAR and ZIP archive.

Depending on which web browser you are using, you may need to perform certain actions to make the browser download, rather than view the file. Some browsers will let you download the file by holding and clicking on the link.

Some people are apparently having problems with browsers that fail to recognise the JAR archive as a binary file, and attempts to perform Unix to DOS/Windows plain-text conversion before saving the file. The result is that the saved archive is corrupt. We therefore also provide the option to download the archive as a ZIP file. The JAR format is compatible with the ZIP format, so both files are identical, only the name differs.

The files in the archive can be extracted using the jar tool from the JDK.

To extract the source code files from the archive, run the command:

jar xvf pgjc-source.jar

You might also be able to extract the files using tools that operate on ZIP archives.

This source is from: A Programmer's Guide to JAVA Certification - A Comprehensive Primer ( Written by Khalid A. Mughal and Rolf W. Rasmussen. Copyright (c) Pearson Education 1999

The code is the copyright of Khalid A. Mughal and Rolf W. Rasmussen 1999. You may study, use, modify, and distribute it for non-commercial purposes. This example is provided without any warranty either expressed or implied.