[initial idea Ketil Malde **20050301153434] [extended the notes a lot Ketil Malde **20050329143127] [Added src dir, parser skeleton and sequence datatype Ketil Malde **20050330091915] [added potential sdata/nuc parser Ketil Malde **20050330102106] [provisory metadata and sdata parsers Ketil Malde **20050330112740] [added test dir and fasta test cases Ketil Malde **20050331091254] [small fix for label syntax Ketil Malde **20050331091404] [data format changes (UArrays etc) Ketil Malde **20050331091531] [added sketch for different parsers Ketil Malde **20050331093540] [fix to length, and added sketched accessor functions Ketil Malde **20050331093603] [replaced Seq access with generic seqprop accessor Ketil Malde **20050331094354] [separate blank and comment parsers Ketil Malde **20050331102506] [added blanks parser Ketil Malde **20050331120122] [turned metadata into general header parser Ketil Malde **20050331120127] [reformatted text Ketil Malde **20050331120207] [rudimentary NCBI-style parser in place Ketil Malde **20050331130709] [word parser accepts underscore Ketil Malde **20050331133230] [ncbi-keys now called annot_keys Ketil Malde **20050401095909] [stack parser, plus minor fix Ketil Malde **20050401100004] [formatting change, comment removal Ketil Malde **20050401100108] [fixes: require at least one blank in many cases, better errors Ketil Malde **20050401114847] [Added sections and descriptive text for NCBI/Stack Ketil Malde **20050401115627] [parametrized fasta over data parser as well Ketil Malde **20050401122501] [minor error reporting improvement Ketil Malde **20050401123519] [added a test case Ketil Malde **20050401134510] [some test functions added Ketil Malde **20050402190127] [lword definition, reformatted indentation Ketil Malde **20050402190150] [ncbi support for quoted values Ketil Malde **20050404071459] [renaming of test functions Ketil Malde **20050404091524] [added F3 main module Ketil Malde **20050404094940] [changed representation of seqannot Ketil Malde **20050404112706 sequence annotations are now split between known key-value pairs (KKV), unknown (UKV), databases (DB db acc) and Annot(ations). ] [small parser fixes Ketil Malde **20050404142601] [explicit list of parsers Ketil Malde **20050405080645] [rudimentary parser discovery code -- could be more elegant Ketil Malde **20050405080705] [Dictionary-based implementation of annot decoding Ketil Malde **20050406113135] [added show_ncbi; not sure if it's the right thing Ketil Malde **20050406130442] [Ported/rewrote WordMap from xtract, using Data.Map Ketil Malde **20050407041808] [added nucleotide comments Ketil Malde **20050407103256] [added names to parsers Ketil Malde **20050407103323] [added option handling to f3 Ketil Malde **20050407103346] [elaborated option handling, skeleton implementation Ketil Malde **20050407114408] [added main.tex; small latex fix Ketil Malde **20050407115554] [added newpages after files Ketil Malde **20050414084301] [main now prints option summary Ketil Malde **20050414084326] [f3 now attempts to identify FASTA formats Ketil Malde **20050414093048] [identify output cleanup Ketil Malde **20050414121839] [rewrote output code Ketil Malde **20050414133617] [comment reorg/improvements Ketil Malde **20050418110623] [added freqcount, sketched mkwordmap Ketil Malde **20050418110650] [implemented mkwordmap (more testing required) Ketil Malde **20050418113642] [F3 now counts letter frequencies Ketil Malde **20050418120559] [specified Fasta exports (to exp. parse) Ketil Malde **20050418135400] [import fixes Ketil Malde **20050419071953] [added support for -k Ketil Malde **20050419072007] [added support for explicit parser selection Ketil Malde **20050419072031] [slightly better error message on parse failure Ketil Malde **20050419072309] [freqs are optional, better error reporting Ketil Malde **20050419083415] [added Parsex (lazyMany from T.Z.) Ketil Malde **20050419120748] [correctly modify positions for subsequent seqs (BUGFIX) Ketil Malde **20050419125232] [modified lazyMany to lazyparse Ketil Malde **20050421080854] [trivial now ignores all but the label Ketil Malde **20050421080956] [strictness annotations added Ketil Malde **20050421081946 bm10k.seq: 140Mb -> 80Mb ] [added makefile Ketil Malde **20050421085614] [replaced freqcount by more efficient version Ketil Malde **20050426140951] [added clean target to Makefile Ketil Malde **20050512122148] [factored out freqs as a separate function Ketil Malde **20050512124757] [added a subsection, split out n2i' Ketil Malde **20050513074446] [Implemented word counting with STMap Ketil Malde **20050513074646] [removed n2i/i2n, use n2k instead Ketil Malde **20050513074726] [TAG STMap frequency counting Ketil Malde **20050513074824] [serious reshuffling and -factoring of code Ketil Malde **20050513104225] [WordMap -> STMap in main.tex Ketil Malde **20050513112058] [small fix section header Ketil Malde **20050513112613] [Usage textual fix Ketil Malde **20050513120652] [added RB draft - parsers/prints options Ketil Malde **20050513120728] [Moved functionality to Fasta Ketil Malde **20050513134157] [moved frequencies from read to main Ketil Malde **20050513143227] [sketched RB main Ketil Malde **20050513143245] [now reads files and calculates freqs Ketil Malde **20050513184320] [moved read_file to Fasta (needs better name) Ketil Malde **20050513195657] [implemented coverage, some shuffling of the old stuff Ketil Malde **20050515102732] [writers implemented Ketil Malde **20050519101116] [output sequence data with 60-lines Ketil Malde **20050519101201] [writer option handling and output Ketil Malde **20050519101221] [changed options (I,O -> p,w) Ketil Malde **20050519101246] [TAG ready to implement statistics Ketil Malde **20050520134913] [first masking version, only fixed masking parameters Ketil Malde **20050520134944] [now accept masking parms on cmdline Ketil Malde **20050520140536] [coping with various irregularities in the stack format Ketil Malde **20050520174329] [parameter fix ported to F3 as well Ketil Malde **20050520174955] [added targets for static and profiling Ketil Malde **20050520195315] [fixed RB usage output Ketil Malde **20050520195339] [no masking without -k Ketil Malde **20050520195412] [local uv_mk, significant speed opt Ketil Malde **20050520195437] [TAG works for direct lookup table Ketil Malde **20050610125152] [added infrastructure for constructing the suffix array Ketil Malde **20050610125212] [fixed suffix array size and nicer type Ketil Malde **20050610141030] [idiot bugfix Ketil Malde **20050613124106] [cleanup, introduce sep type for ST arrays Ketil Malde **20050614091428] [bucket-sorting -- partly tested and working Ketil Malde **20050614091451] [comment added Ketil Malde **20050614105815] [changes to use Position = (Seq,Offset) Ketil Malde **20050614124416] [temporary sketch of bucket sorting Ketil Malde **20050615081322] [using KeyF, simplistic bucket sort. Untested. Ketil Malde **20050615094318] [sketched KeyF factories Ketil Malde **20050615112145] [naive impl. of contigous (non-optimized) Ketil Malde **20050615131132] [type modifications of dubious nature Ketil Malde **20050615131207] [implemented genkeys Ketil Malde **20050616093304] [parametrized KeyF type Ketil Malde **20050616093658] [updated main modules to account for new KeyF Ketil Malde **20050616111520] [bugfix in contigous (indexing problem) Ketil Malde **20050616111556] [yet another small bug in contigous Ketil Malde **20050616131758] [added RB to printout Ketil Malde **20050616143141] [makefile options update (little if any difference) Ketil Malde **20050617123430] [minor fix, plus comments Ketil Malde **20050617123456] [added a gapped keys function (todo: abstract it?) Ketil Malde **20050617123512] [f3 calculates and outputs suffix arrays Ketil Malde **20050617124811] [implemented k2-keys, works with test case in f3 Ketil Malde **20050622041321] [warning eliminations, formatting Ketil Malde **20050622041502] [bugfix: incorrect invocation of cont_offs in f3 Ketil Malde **20050622044558] [generalized offset function Ketil Malde **20050622044906] [implement and use "simple" -- faster but doesn't check for N! Ketil Malde **20050622060840] [stateful KeyFs, dummy implementation only (for now) Ketil Malde **20050622073646] [warning fixes in Fasta.lhs Ketil Malde **20050622110601] [added state-passing to genkeys Ketil Malde **20050622110617] [added implementation with state for N-skipping contigous Ketil Malde **20050622110649] [implemented right-shifting speedup Ketil Malde **20050622114557] [k param now accepts a k1,k2 tuple Ketil Malde **20050623124712] [Bugfix: forgot a hard-coded "6" in F3 Ketil Malde **20050624104352] [check for N in simple Ketil Malde **20050628085227] [implemented simple with state (tested briefly) Ketil Malde **20050630110444] [Moved stuff to Keys module Ketil Malde**20050701140314] [small import clarification Ketil Malde **20050701141254] [forgot to add Keys to main.tex Ketil Malde **20050704111320] [added printing target to Makefile Ketil Malde **20050704143420] [added MaskCount sources Ketil Malde **20050704143432] [RB compiles Ketil Malde **20050707080545] [freqtab and contig work - UNDER CONSTRUCTION Ketil Malde **20050707125337] [U.C.: RB also compiles Ketil Malde **20050707125716] [added error msg instead of undefined Ketil Malde **20050708094610] [removed old contigous definition Ketil Malde **20050708094631] [Added MC.lhs Ketil Malde **20050726131909] [bug fix: incorrect counting Ketil Malde **20050726133020] [todo list for MC Ketil Malde **20050726144146] [better usage for MC Ketil Malde **20050726144208] [two-way coverage function Ketil Malde **20050726144229] [text formatting added Ketil Malde **20050727083129] [added skeleton option handling for K/T/F output modes Ketil Malde **20050729115145] [Param fixes/error handling for F3 Ketil Malde **20050729135024] [comment/whitespace changes, extraneous import removed Ketil Malde **20050811092144] [added implementations of verify and half offset Ketil Malde **20050811092257] [added freqtable Ketil Malde **20050811104638] [reshuffled F3 with separate main per output option Ketil Malde **20050811112024] [more compact output for f3 -K Ketil Malde **20050812124614] [explicit export declarations Ketil Malde **20050812124706] [Single-sequence keys func, part 1: Keys.lhs Ketil Malde **20050815093114] [Single-sequence keys func, part 2: FreqTable Ketil Malde **20050815103053] [STMap -> IndexMap Ketil Malde **20050815103338] [Single-sequence keys func, part 3: IndexArray Ketil Malde **20050815111557] [(unoptimized) offset implemented Ketil Malde **20050815140436] [F3 fix Ketil Malde **20050815140527] [cleaned up FreqTable, skeleton accessors Ketil Malde **20050815140558] [cleaned up F3 (warnings/formatting) Ketil Malde **20050816101246] [cleaner interface to FT, F3 updated acc. Ketil Malde **20050816101323] [Suffix->IndexArray, skeleton interface as well Ketil Malde **20050816101359] [naive implementation of "simple" keyf Ketil Malde **20050816110911] [updated RB to "work" (only fwd coverage) Ketil Malde **20050816110940] [impl. curve output for RB Ketil Malde **20050816120156] [skeleton for bsearch Ketil Malde **20050818084954] [Replaced SuffixIndex -> PreIndex Ketil Malde **20050818085100] [(fwd)coverage now returns correct number of values Ketil Malde **20050818115120] [added all-* targets in makefile Ketil Malde **20050818115307] [added TODO-list Ketil Malde **20050819122021] [cleanup of idea.txt - current status added Ketil Malde **20050819122510] [account for revcompl sequences Ketil Malde **20050819122540] [TAG works for contigous keys and freqtables Ketil Malde **20050819122637] [renamed mc to mct, added static target Ketil Malde **20050822113704] [export isN, needed for mct Ketil Malde **20050822113726] [(untested) improved error handling in mct Ketil Malde **20050823101554] [more thoughts, fixes to todos Ketil Malde **20050829115111] [named Key type for clarity, signatures to count etc Ketil Malde **20050829115142] [added (completely untested) bsearch function Ketil Malde **20050829115225] [type checking fixes Ketil Malde **20050906065353] [working bsearch and count Ketil Malde **20050916080804] [implemented positions Ketil Malde **20050916094620] [Temp checkin: compiles, but incorrect Ketil Malde **20050921115925] [added multi-T words to F3 Ketil Malde **20050923184031] [bug fixes to RB and IA Ketil Malde **20050923184111] [mods to commented trace stmts Ketil Malde **20050923210852] [check for out of bounds in IA Ketil Malde **20050923220017] [guard against out-of-bounds in bsearch(1,2) Ketil Malde **20050927124331] [main_coverage impl Ketil Malde **20050927124458] [fix coverage offset bug (would look for incorrect keys) Ketil Malde **20050927124525] [type decl, comment removal Ketil Malde **20050927124601] [fixed coverage functions Ketil Malde **20050927124623] [Mods for tracing Ketil Malde **20050927125726] [bug fix - now correctly aligns fwd and rev coverage Ketil Malde **20050927201109 Also: define rev coverage as a mod to fwd coverage ] [new masked function - symmetric masking Ketil Malde **20050928101432] [TAG to øystein for testing Ketil Malde **20050928114649] [bugfix: mct would always fail Ketil Malde **20051003130144] [makefile fix: install target Ketil Malde **20051003130218] [EOL at end Ketil Malde **20051003135225] [fix for install target Ketil Malde **20051003140015] [ignore zero count words for statistics purposes Ketil Malde **20051003140024] [added FASTA thresh annot, and bugfix for all-N sequences Ketil Malde **20051003150442] [type decl and cleanup Ketil Malde **20051004130113] [experimental: use simple_unsafe to speed things up a bit Ketil Malde **20051004205905] [small offset/keys optimization Ketil Malde **20051004212420] [commented-out code removal Ketil Malde **20051004212516] [added -v (verbose) switch, with some output Ketil Malde **20051005084324] [eliminated extra checks (no noticable perf benefit) Ketil Malde **20051005132922] [more robust option parsing Ketil Malde **20051006121942] [updated TODO list Ketil Malde **20051021124157] [Updated F3 to work with contigous keys Ketil Malde **20051021124210] [frequency counting working Ketil Malde **20051021125640 at least apparently. It also accounts for (ignores) positions with N in the k2 part ] [Intermediate checkin: freqarray compiles Ketil Malde **20051025104931] [complete, but buggy Ketil Malde **20051025135818] [switch to least sign first, fix returning correct pi(?) Ketil Malde **20051025201150] [fix: mod is the other k Ketil Malde **20051025201505] [implemented F3 using Data.Map Ketil Malde **20051028194414] [freqtable takes only one k-param Ketil Malde **20051028195135] [updated RB to use FT maps Ketil Malde **20051028200651] [keys cleanup, typo, new TODO Ketil Malde **20051031142754] [Added progress meters - yay! Ketil Malde **20051101102405] [added long term goals Ketil Malde **20051124130831] [made -k take a single number in RB Ketil Malde **20051124140012] [added progress while masking as well as coverage Ketil Malde **20051130103815] [cleaned up countIO usage (progress reporting) Ketil Malde **20051130113233] [sketched new parameters (gap, sparse, shaped) Ketil Malde **20051130114647] [make MC output more detailed response Ketil Malde **20051220112108] [diff output for each sequence Ketil Malde **20051222105622] [small formatting change Ketil Malde **20060104125637] [gap closing, first attempt Ketil Malde **20060104125730] [comment changes Ketil Malde **20060104125807] [connected to rest of code - buggy corner cases Ketil Malde **20060104131008] [rewrote closegaps more elegantly Ketil Malde **20060104133504] [removed commented-out, old closegap code Ketil Malde **20060104133540] [support for -l and -s parameters Ketil Malde **20060106115704] [TAG 0.1 mask with mean and stdev Ketil Malde **20060124090353] [new treshold code Ketil Malde **20060124090811] [added pearson's phi to mct Ketil Malde **20060124090848] [added median calc to rb Ketil Malde **20060124090902] [cleanups to output code, added header Ketil Malde **20060124115940] [output limit, not highest remaining Ketil Malde **20060124120159] [changed the trivial parser (andersl request) Ketil Malde **20060124154854] [new defaults Ketil Malde **20060124154933] [usage w/o lineshift Ketil Malde **20060124154950] [threhsold now returns more values Ketil Malde **20060124155000] [added 3-pass 2do Ketil Malde **20060127125821] [added median to output Ketil Malde **20060127125900] [renamed/moved around RB and MC Ketil Malde **20060127130426] [parametrized FreqTable, support k>15 Ketil Malde **20060130125412] [updated TODO Ketil Malde **20060131131531] [added server mode Ketil Malde **20060131131553] [exporting showdata directly from Fasta.lhs Ketil Malde **20060131132850] [ouput done only in batch mode Ketil Malde **20060131132926] [output masked sequences first (to get info header) Ketil Malde **20060131132941] [name change: RB -> RBR Ketil Malde **20060202192855] [added 'score' to ouput Ketil Malde **20060203103831] [bump RBR version Ketil Malde **20060203103901] [TAG 0.2 server mode, k>15 Ketil Malde **20060203104544] [added "READY" prompt to server mode Ketil Malde **20060206133359] [added line-oriented interact Ketil Malde **20060206143824] [support multiple sequence requests (server) Ketil Malde **20060206144047] [support three MPars (stdevs,mincov, and maxscore) Ketil Malde **20060207093042] ["TODO" addition Ketil Malde **20060207093054] [fixed main.tex Ketil Malde **20060207093122] [actually remove unique words as well (i.e. read errors) Ketil Malde **20060217212130] [added TODO in comment Ketil Malde **20060220093043] [fix for glasgow-exts (now autodetects in GHCi) Ketil Malde **20060221105125] [debugging code, ready for testing Ketil Malde **20060221105153] [calc thresh from mode (rbr6) Ketil Malde **20060222142356] [comment update: fix probs with rbr6 Ketil Malde **20060222142445] [Use sqrt(n) window Ketil Malde **20060223084306] [added blunt'ing (improves scores - rbr8) Ketil Malde **20060223125948] [mincov is relative to mean (again) Ketil Malde **20060223131036] [try all (more?) windows Ketil Malde **20060227105915] [lower case masking option Ketil Malde **20060308184555] [todo update Ketil Malde **20060328083539] [changed parameters -M -> -s, -t Ketil Malde **20060328083558] [new blunting code Ketil Malde **20060328083646] [TAG 0.3 revised statistics model, param changes Ketil Malde **20060328084001] [mct now uses printf Ketil Malde **20060329101223] [bugfix: don't fail on short sequences Ketil Malde **20060404092339] [added hooks for 80% heap limit Ketil Malde **20060418113936] [amend to short seq Ketil Malde **20060419113529] [TAG 0.4b release (for review) Ketil Malde **20060419113723] [all-0 freqs caused rbr to abort Ketil Malde **20060601084442] [added README Ketil Malde **20060624134615] [minor README update Ketil Malde **20060625111928] [bumped version to 0.4 Ketil Malde **20060627144629] [cleanup: remove unnecessary files Ketil Malde **20060609133240] [using Bio to read Fasta seqs Ketil Malde **20060609133436] [Actually link hooks.o Ketil Malde **20060624134551] [conflict resolution Ketil Malde **20060627144713] [more TODOs Ketil Malde **20060629222130] [Reworked to use 'bio' functionality, cleaned up Ketil Malde **20060706092351] [Plugging compile-time warnings Ketil Malde **20060706093746] [version bumped to 0.5 Ketil Malde **20060706100105] [TAG 0.5 using the bio package Ketil Malde **20060706100140] [modified to use rcontig keys (slightly faster) Ketil Malde **20060707122028] [changed output option, ready for library Ketil Malde **20060710115741] [cleanup and remove mask' Ketil Malde **20060710120527] [data type for lower case/Ns Ketil Malde **20060710121750] [moved Options to separate module Ketil Malde **20060711121521] [replaced threshold with distrib Ketil Malde **20060711132713] [united masked_lc and masked_n (defactored?) Ketil Malde **20060810102655] [todo updates Ketil Malde **20060810104302] [renamed mask to mask_stat Ketil Malde **20060810114744] [perror fixlet Ketil Malde **20060810114805] [comment fixes Ketil Malde **20060810115223] [masked takes [Bool] Ketil Malde **20060810131049] [added ps target for lhs files Ketil Malde **20060811084609] [removed old, unused tests Ketil Malde **20060811090537] [added (simple) test case Ketil Malde **20060811095137] [RBR dependency for generating test file Ketil Malde **20060811115327] [perror macro fix Ketil Malde **20060811122038] [more refactoring work Ketil Malde **20060811122453] [comment fix Ketil Malde **20060811122943] [define mask_stat in terms of mask_generic Ketil Malde **20060814100819] [cleanup comments, reshuffle Ketil Malde **20060814112723] [gap closing/lower case masking combo fix Ketil Malde **20060814114849] [simplified gap-closing Ketil Malde **20060814120925] [moved gap-closing out of mask_generic Ketil Malde **20060814132201] [added mask_table (rudimentary and untested) Ketil Malde **20060814145557] [simplified and extracted mask_func building Ketil Malde **20060814145709] [added automatic tests for more functionality Ketil Malde **20060815094930] [bigtest target based on test Ketil Malde **20060815103723] [version bump to 0.6 Ketil Malde **20060815104524] [test tgt to top-lev Makefile Ketil Malde **20060815112634] [integrated pre/post msgs into countIO Ketil Malde **20060815125742] [added tests for -D (coverage) Ketil Malde **20060815131427] [add .SECONDARY tgts for d/l files Ketil Malde **20060815131445] [test k>16 Ketil Malde **20060816071640] [added user string identifier to wget cmd Ketil Malde **20060816082014] [added *test_kl to default test cases Ketil Malde **20060816082117] [factored out FT building Ketil Malde **20060816082143] [fix library option to use Maybe FilePath Ketil Malde **20060816104927] [added support for library masking Ketil Malde **20060816105003] [rewrote countIO for more accurate counts Ketil Malde **20060816111303] [updated README Ketil Malde **20060821114325] [mct measures lower case, not n Ketil Malde **20060822112056] [support -N options (no stats masking) Ketil Malde **20060822112120] [countIO blanks the line before producing output Ketil Malde **20060822115656] [make_ft parametrized by message Ketil Malde **20060822115710] [multiple changes (keyf uses seqdata, freq uses IntMap, etc) Ketil Malde **20060918115924] [version bump Ketil Malde **20060918135105] [Framework for k>16 in place Ketil Malde **20060919104512] [print test results at the end Ketil Malde **20060919115638] [implement freqtable_integer Ketil Malde **20060919115653] [remove unnecessary parm to freqtable* Ketil Malde **20060919120434] [warning removal Ketil Malde **20060919124040] [todo update Ketil Malde **20060919131445] [cleaned up freqtable Ketil Malde **20060926085728] [pass around IO action (for large files). Test case for stdin. Ketil Malde **20060926085801] [infrastructure for sparse/skip Ketil Malde **20061004150607] [added sparsetab_int Ketil Malde **20061006105324] [implement sparse indices (for Int, anyway) Ketil Malde **20061010091751] [comment removal/cleanups Ketil Malde **20061010091853] [sliding_average Ketil Malde **20061010093623] [fix for sparsetable Ketil Malde **20061010104455 Repeated keys in the same sequence were only entered into the sparse table once. ] [support sparse indices Ketil Malde **20061010104654] [RBR needs -cpp Ketil Malde **20061012073349] [added skip handling to masking, add tests for eq when skip=1 Ketil Malde **20061012073359] [TODO cleanup Ketil Malde **20061017130829] [-D outputs distrib as well (deliberate test breakage alert) Ketil Malde **20061017131506] [small naming changes Ketil Malde **20061017131536] [experimental (and inefficient) sparse mask compensation Ketil Malde **20061017131617] [notice failure, and continue Ketil Malde **20061017132319] [version bump, README update Ketil Malde **20061017135608] [TAG 0.7 Ketil Malde **20061017135643] [cabalized rbr Ketil Malde **20061031113510] [cabal ghc opts Ketil Malde **20061107133704] [implement sparsetable_integer (copy/paste) Ketil Malde **20061107133732] [comments added Ketil Malde **20070205102154] [simplified (Tomas Zielonka-style) option handling Ketil Malde **20070205110154] [cleaning up option handling Ketil Malde **20070205112018] [extended -v header Ketil Malde **20070205114512] [better default options, and readme updates Ketil Malde **20070205131938] [warning elimination/type signature cleanup Ketil Malde **20070205132202] [simplified modal interval calculation Ketil Malde **20070205132602] [updated README for v0.8 Ketil Malde **20070205133633] [TAG 0.8 Ketil Malde **20070205150053] [use hooks when building via cabal, too Ketil Malde **20070314091831]