[GRISK-logo (50kB)]

To participate in the search for k-optimal lattice rules, you need to download two files. First this file (7.5 kB) containing the java communication part of the program. Java v1.1 or greater required. Gunzip and untar the file. This file is included in the zipfile for Windows, so there's no reason to download it if you want to run the client on Windows.

% gunzip -c koptimal.tar.gz | tar xvf -
drwxr-xr-x janfrode/tech 0 1999-11-12 15:25 koptimal/
-rwxr-xr-x janfrode/tech 163 1999-11-12 14:56 koptimal/status.sh
-rwxr-xr-x janfrode/tech 158 1999-11-12 14:57 koptimal/client.sh
-rw-r--r-- janfrode/tech 7956 1999-11-12 14:53 koptimal/koptimal.jar
and then download one of these files to the directory "koptimal" (right click with the mouse, and use "Save link as.."):
  • IRIX (45 kB) for SGI
  • Linux i686 optimized for MMX (25% speedup on PentiumIII, 432 kB). Requires runtime libraries from Intels free for non-commercial use fortran compiler. Get it here
  • Linux x86 with libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 (35 kB) for PC workstations running RedHat 6.0, SuSE 6.2.
  • Linux x86 with libstdc++-libc6.0-1.so.2 (35 kB) for PC workstations running Debian 2.1.
  • FreeBSD x86 (28 kB) for PC workstations running FreeBSD.
  • Solaris (93 kB) for SUN SPARC workstations.
  • OS/2
  • Win32 Finally, we have a client for Windows. It requires JAVA, and the java runtime environment can be downloaded from here, or the very fast version from IBM here. It's only been tested on Windows NT, so please tell us if you have any problems. So far I've seen people use Windows NT 4.0, 5.0, Windows 98 (4.10), Windows 95 and Windows 2000/ME.
  • MacOS X (20 kB) Stuffit archive including readme and runscript thanks to Mark <mrodenkirch @ wi.rr.com>
  • Others, please contact janfrode@ii.uib.no if you would be willing to help compile the slave library for your architecture.
Now that you have the files in place, just go in to the directory you put them, and execute: (it is supposed to hang for a very long time after it has written "Calling fortran routine...")

% cd koptimal
% gunzip libSlaveCalc.so.gz
% ./client.sh
$Id: JistributedClient.java,v 1.9 1999/11/11 07:42:52 janfrode Exp $
Fetching task from server...Got it!
Calling fortran routine...done. CPU-seconds to complete task: 27680
Connectiong to server...Connected.
Returning solution to task #5008
Fetching task from server...Got it!
Found:     1    24   101   191   389
   N =    1384    delta =    10   rho =   0.60212
       2       2       2       2       2
       0       0       2       2      -6
       0       1       4       0       5
       0       3      -3       3       1
       1      -2       0       2       5
       1       0       0       2     205
       0       1       0       0     273
       0       0       1       3     298
       0       0       0       4     256
       0       0       0       0     346
Returning solution to task #5127
Fetching task from server...Got it!

The program doesn't write anything to disk, so you can run several instances of it from the same directory if you have a SMP machine, or the same directory mounted on several machines.  

If you're behind a SOCKS (firewall) Proxy Host, you have to make a small change to the client.sh/runme.bat script. Change the last line from:

java jistributed.JistributedClient krypvier.ii.uib.no
java -DsocksProxyHost=Name.Of.Proxyhost -DsocksProxyPort=1080 jistributed.JistributedClient krypvier.ii.uib.no

Known bugs.

Please report any problems to janfrode@ii.uib.no [Universitas