Pratt with WWW interface

This server is out of function, please use one of the alternative servers: EBI, Helsinki, Pasteur.

The server is not completely stable - please send an email to if there are any problems.

All queries are limited to five minutes of running time on the server - you will be warned when Pratt had to pull out early of the search to keep within this limit. Note that you need to input at least 3 sequences.

Format of the input file or input data:

Use the input file from the server:

Type or paste your input data in here (remember to input two or more sequences and to use sequence names in Fasta format!!):

Set the parameters


 C%: min Percentage Seqs to Match         

 PP: pos in seq [off,complete,start]     
 PL: max Pattern Length                   
 PN: max Nr of Pattern Symbols            
 PX: max Nr of consecutive x's            
 FN: max Nr of flexible spacers           
 FL: max Flexibility                      
 FP: max Flex.Product                     
 BI: Input Pattern Symbol File           
 BN: Nr of Pattern Symbols Initial Search 

 S: Scoring [info,mdl,tree,dist,ppv]     

 G: Pattern Graph from [seq,al,query]    
 E: Search Greediness                     
 R: Pattern Refinement                   
 RG: Generalise ambiguous symbols        

 OP: PROSITE Pattern Format              
 ON: max number patterns                  
 OA: max number Alignments                
 M: Print Patterns in sequences          
 MR: ratio for printing                   
 MV: print vertically                    

All queries are limited to five minutes of running time on the server - you will be warned when Pratt had to pull out early of the search to keep within this limit.