author      = "Bengt Aspvall and Magnus Halldorsson and Fredrik Manne",
title       = "Approximations for the Generalized Block Distribution of a Matrix",
booktitle   = "proceedings of 6th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, SWAT'98",
publisher   = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer",
volume      = "1432",
pages       = "47--58",
year        = "1998" }
author      = "P. Bj{\o}rstad and F. Manne and T. S{\o}revik and M. Vajter\v{s}ic",
title       = "Efficient matrix multiplication on {SIMD} computers",
journal     = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.",
year        = "1992",
volume      = "13",
number      = "1",
pages       = "386--401")
author      = "Michelangelo Grigni and Fredrik Manne",
title       = "On the complexity of the generalized block distribution",
booktitle   = "In proceedings of Irregular'96,
               The third international workshop on parallel algorithms for
               irregularly structured problems",
pages       = "319--326",
publisher   = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer",
volume      = "1117",
year        = "1996")
author      = "Fredrik Manne and Svein Olav Andersen",
editor      = "E. Arge and A.M. Bruaset and H.P. Langtangen",
title       = "Modern Software Tools for Scientific Computing",
chapter     = "16, Automating the Debugging of Large Numerical Codes",
publisher   = "Birkhauser Verlag",
year        = "1997")
author      = "F. Manne",
title       = "Minimale eliminasjonstrær for parallell {C}holesky-faktorisering",
school      = "Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway",
year        = "1989",
note        = "(In {N}orwegian)")
author      = "F. Manne",
title       = "Reducing the height of an elimination tree through local reorderings",
institution = "University of Bergen, Norway",
number      = "CS-91-51",
year        = "1991")

author      = "F. Manne",
title       = "An algorithm for computing an  elimination tree of minimum height for a tree",
institution = "University of Bergen, Norway",
number      = "CS-91-59",
year        = "1991")
author      = "Fredrik Manne",
title       = "Load Balancing in Parallel Sparse Matrix Computations",
school      = "University of Bergen, Norway",
year        = "1993")
author      = "Fredrik Manne",
title       = "Seismisk modellering på arbeidsstasjoner i nettverk",
booktitle   = "In proceedings of Norsk Informatikk Konferanse 1994",
pages       = "151--159",
year        = "1994" )
author      = "Fredrik Manne",
title       = "A parallel algorithm for computing the extremal eigenvalues 
               of very large sparse matrices (Extended Abstract)",
booktitle   = "proceedings of Para98, Workshop on Applied Parallel 
               Computing in Large scale scientific and Industrial Problems",
publisher   = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer",
volume      = "1541",
pages       = "332--336",
year        = "1998" }
author      = "Fredrik Manne and Hjalmtyr Hafsteinsson",
title       = "Efficient sparse {C}holesky factorization on a parallel {SIMD} computer",
journal     = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput.",
volume      = "16",
pages       = "934--950",
year        = "1995")
author      = "Fredrik Manne and Tor S{\o}revik",
title       = "Optimal partitioning of sequences",
journal     = "J. Alg.",
volume      = "19",
number      = "2",
pages       = "235--249",
year        = "1995") 

@inproceedings {MS96,
author      = "Fredrik Manne and Tor S{\o}revik",
title       = "Partitioning an array onto a mesh of processors",
booktitle   = "In proceedings of Para'96,
               Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing in Industrial Problems
               and Optimization",
pages       = "467--477",
publisher   = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer",
volume      = "1184",
year        = "1996"}
author      = "Bj{\o}rn Olstad and Fredrik Manne",
title       = "Efficient partitioning of sequences",
journal     = "IEEE Trans. Comput.",
pages       = "1322--1326",
volume      = "44",
number      = "11",
year        = "1995") 

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