ANewHope 23.08.2001

what it does:
 - compares the BTS onset extraction method against
   XML .dtc files, returns a percentage number on how
   good the extraction was.
 - improved Error and Exception handling
 - improved documentation

 - medium

MuchAdoAboutNothing 30.08.2001

what it does:
 - makes a Spectrogram also work as a filterbank
   - misses test/correct calculation of 'magnitue'
   - misses a good abstraction (class?) for filterbank
 - implements Klapuris onset extraction algo
   - misses convolution by FFT needs be made working
   - misses testing of relativeDifferenceKlapuri and amplitudeEnvelopeKlapuri
   - misses test of hermite interpolation
   - misses test of centralDifference
 - misses test of .wav/.dtc files available against
   BTS and Klapuris
what is written:
DONE! - small chapter about my suggestion of measure of
        correctness, also include the 'defacto' standards

 - low

PendingBuild 21.09.2001

what it should do:
 - filterbank
   - test/correct calculation of 'magnitue' (scaling problem)
   - have a good abstraction (class?) for filterbank
 - test Klapuris onset extraction algo
   - testing of relativeDifferenceKlapuri and amplitudeEnvelopeKlapuri
   - test of hermite interpolation
   - test of centralDifference
 - convolution by FFT
 - auto-testing of .wavs and diff. algos
what should be written:
 - describe at least ONE way I can imagine identifying, classifying different
 - results on comparisons of the 5 test-wavs using Klapuri and BTS