I like playing guitar and singing. Sometimes I compose even my own songs. (Well, I am not a composer but a computer scientist... and I have had too little time the last years for my hobby :-) But if your computer can play *.au files you may want to listen to some music composed by me:

Some music samples composed by me.

Note that the audio files are very long...

Note also that all the song texts are in Estonian and probably you do not understand...

But if you are just curious, you can listen to the song Aeg (Time.) [4'41", 2.2 Mb .au file] My friends like this tune the best.

You may also want to listen to an instrumental composition Tuul hinge (Wind to the soul) [4'46", 2.3 Mb .au file] with fantastic guitar solo improvisation by Teet Velling.

Teet is also fantastic in playing Irish tin flutes. Here is my song called Hämariku paiku (At twilight) [5'28", 2.6 Mb .au file]. here Teet is in his best.

And here is the whole folk music album by me called Alt põranda ja üle nurga and how it happened to appear here.

Eero Vainikko

October, 1996. eero@ii.uib.no