Universitety of Bergen : Department of informatics

INF280 - Searching and machine learning
Autumn 2006

Course description: Norwegian, English


Eivind Coward
Office 5109, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret, 5th floor
Tel: 55584068
E-mail: coward@ii.uib.no


Lectures are normally given every Tuesday and Friday 12:15-14:00 in Group Room 2104, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret. The lectures will be given in English.

First lecture/orientation meeting Tuesdag 22 Aug.

Lecture plan


Assignments are an important part of the course. About 10 assignments will be given, including 2 or 3 compulsory ones. Passing the compulsory assignments is required before taking the exam.

Assignments classes (øvingstimer) take place on Wednesdays 8:15-10:00 in room 2101. There you can get help for solving the problems, and previous assignments will be gone through. These classes are led by Harald Barsnes (haraldb@ii.uib.no).


Syllabus (pensum)

Final list


There will be a 3 hour written exam on Dec 4, 9:00-12:00.

Last updated 14.11.2006 by Eivind Coward.