Faq II: Equipment & Maintenance:

2.1 Clothing
2.1.1 FIE Homologated Clothing
2.1.2 Colours
2.2 Masks
2.2.1 Bibs
2.3 Shoes
2.3.1 Inserts
2.4 Gloves
2.5 Lame's
2.5.1 Repair
2.6 Armour
2.7 Grips
2.7.1 Traditional
2.7.2 Pistol
2.8 Blades
2.8.1 FIE & Maraging Blades
2.8.2 Tangs
2.8.3 Bends and Curvature
2.9 Guards
2.10 Points & Blade Wires
2.11 Body Wires
2.12 Glue
2.13 Scoring Apparatus
2.13.1 Wireless Systems


2.14 Foil
2.15 Epee
2.16 Sabre

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