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Course INF359 (VISUAL2): Selected Topics in Visualization (utvalde emner i visualisering)

Programming assignment 2 INF359

PET volume with different transfer functions Video1

PET volume with different transfer functions, volume cut in z-direction

MIP: PET volume with different transfer functions, volume cut in z-direction Video2

PET volume with PET colors, volume cut in z-direction, Hue value sets transparency, different PET-value cutoff Video3 Video4

MRI T1 volume cut at z value, CT volume cut at lower value, colored with PET colors. Size of MRI volume from PET cut of value. Video5 Video6

MRI T1 volume, MRI T2 volume, PET, PET color

Brain 3D surface, MRI T1 and T2, inside skull, cut from below. Video7 Video8

MRI T1 volume, MRI T2 volume, both colored with transfer function

The 4 volumes should be placed accoring to their names.
Technique are only used in Standard visualization, 3 choises, DVR, MIP and 4 volums, which show 1/4 of the 4 volumes. Not really useful.
Visualization have 4 choies: Standard, PET activation, PET skull and PET brain.
MRI color decides if the coloing of the volume are from PET colors or from transfer function.
The value Z-scale are used for the PET dataset. It is scaled (1,1,1) not (1,1,3) like the dat files. If PET volume are placed i n VolumeCT, the value needs to be changed.
The value Z cut cuts off the image along the z-axis, from the top.
The value CT z cuts does the same, but only for the bone. It also cuts the volume from the bottom in the PET brain visualization.
CT cut defines what to use as bone in the CT-volume, everything below is cut away.
PET cut is similar, values below the limit are not shown.
Bone steps are number of steps to be accepted as "3mm" to find the brain.
MRI T2 cut is a value used to try to limit the not-brain-parts in PET Brain visualization.

 Last change: Jean-Paul Balabanian