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Course INF359 (VISUAL2): Selected Topics in Visualization (utvalde emner i visualisering)

Robert's VISUAL2 LAB2 Multimodal visualization
The assignment was to provide stunning visualizations of the given multimodal
monkey head data sets, by modifying the user interface and functionality of the
volumeshop application, and doing the nessesary preprocessing of the data.

The volumes
The data consisted of a CT, two MRI scans (T1 and T2) and a PET scan of a macaque
monkey. Details of the data aquisition were not given. The monkey appears to be the
Macaca nemestrina from the 1996 brain atlas project. See A Three-Dimensional
Multimodality Brain Map of the Nemestrina Monkey
Cannestra et al. The monkey head
was also cryosliced and digital images were aquired. These would make an interesting
addition to this lab assignment.
All data sets provided for this lab assignment were 62 axial slices of resolution 256x256.
They were relatively well co-registered as seen here.

New data sets of the same dimensions were created.
The PET data was seperated into the RGB components. (ImageJ)

A mask data set used for segmenting the MRI T1 and T2 brain and eyes
was created using the CT and MRI data sets. (ImageJ and PaintShopPro)

And a monkey skin color data was made. (PaintShopPro and ImageJ)

The user interface
The interface additions which were made allow the user to view the volumes in
a variety of ways, for example with the skin, scull and brain, or just the brain.
The user can slice the volumes in the axial, sagittal or coronal planes. The
slice thickness and position can be selected.

This image shows an axial slab, revealing the brain with PET colors.
A bit of activity in there. Poor monkey didn't know what was coming.

This is an interesting slice of the scull and brain, showing the brain
MRI with PET. The lenses of the eyes are clearly visible.

The scull, with PET colored eyes and brain stem.
MULTIMODAL (Click here for video)

Another useful viewing mode visualizes the MRI (T1 or T2) values in the brain.
Brightness and contrast can be adjusted. And different contexts can be selected.
In all viewing modes the PET coloration can be faded in and out, and three
different ranges of PET intensity can be selected.

This image shows a slice of the MRI T2 brain, with high intensity PET
What was the monkey thinking, or was it dreaming?
MRI BRAIN (Click here for video)

In addition the user can select a 3D-PET viewing mode showing the PET
coloration in the brain volume, in either high or highest intensity.

High activity in the entire cerebral cortex.
3D PET mode (Click here for video)

 Last change: Jean-Paul Balabanian