
Interactive Visual Analysis Supporting Design, Tuning, and Optimization of Diesel Engine Injection

K. Matkovic, D. Gracanin, M. Jelovic, and H. Hauser


Design and optimization of modern, complex systems is unimaginable without simulation. Although the design goals are known in advance, finding an optimal combination of input parameters is a long and tedious task. Simulation of car engine injection systems is a relatively short process. It is possible to run many simulations and then to explore the parameter space. Efficient tools and techniques for parameter space exploration and optimization are needed. We have developed an interactive visual analysis tool, ComVis, and related techniques. We illustrate how ComVis is used to explore the parameter space and to tune and optimize car engine injection systems. The collaboration between domain experts and visualization experts resulted in a new workflow for injection system design, and in development of new, commercially available tools.

K. Matkovic, D. Gracanin, M. Jelovic, and H. Hauser, "Interactive Visual Analysis Supporting Design, Tuning, and Optimization of Diesel Engine Injection," Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2011 (Discovery Exhibition), 2011.

Design and optimization of modern, complex systems is unimaginable without simulation. Although the design goals are known in advance, finding an optimal combination of input parameters is a long and tedious task. Simulation of car engine injection systems is a relatively short process. It is possible to run many simulations and then to explore the parameter space. Efficient tools and techniques for parameter space exploration and optimization are needed. We have developed an interactive visual analysis tool, ComVis, and related techniques. We illustrate how ComVis is used to explore the parameter space and to tune and optimize car engine injection systems. The collaboration between domain experts and visualization experts resulted in a new workflow for injection system design, and in development of new, commercially available tools.
@ARTICLE {Matkovic11InteractiveVisual,
author = "Kresimir Matkovic and Denis Gracanin and Mario Jelovic and Helwig Hauser",
title = "Interactive Visual Analysis Supporting Design, Tuning, and Optimization of Diesel Engine Injection",
journal = "Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2011 (Discovery Exhibition)",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Design and optimization of modern, complex systems is unimaginable without simulation. Although the design goals are known in advance, finding an optimal combination of input parameters is a long and tedious task. Simulation of car engine injection systems is a relatively short process. It is possible to run many simulations and then to explore the parameter space. Efficient tools and techniques for parameter space exploration and optimization are needed. We have developed an interactive visual analysis tool, ComVis, and related techniques. We illustrate how ComVis is used to explore the parameter space and to tune and optimize car engine injection systems. The collaboration between domain experts and visualization experts resulted in a new workflow for injection system design, and in development of new, commercially available tools.",
images = "images/Matkovic11InteractiveVisual01.png, Matkovic11InteractiveVisual02.png, Matkovic11InteractiveVisual03.png",
thumbnails = "images/Matkovic11InteractiveVisual_thumb.png",
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