JAxT Installation Instructions

JAxT is a plugin for Eclipse that can automatically generate JUnit test cases from the axioms of algebraic specifications. When implementing an interface, the user implements axioms for this interfaces as static methods in a separate, accompanying class. When classes later implemented for these interfaces, JAxT can automatically generate test implementations for these axioms.


JAxT is a plugin for Eclipse. In order to run JAxT, you need Eclipse 3.2, or newer. Also, you must make certain that your Eclipse is executing on a 1.5 JVM, or newer.

You can install JAxT from our update site at http://www.ii.uib.no/mouldable/eclipse-updates/. The procedure is like for any other Eclipse plugin. If you are unfamiliar with the necessary steps, please the guidelines below.

Installation Steps

(0) [optional] Create new extension location

On multi-users systems, your Eclipse may be installed in a read-only directory, and you may want to install user-specific plugins in the user directory. To do this, you must create an extension location in the user directory.

Create a directory, for example .eclipse-extensions in the user home directory, and inside it, create the directory eclipse. Inside the eclipse directory, create an empty file called .eclipseextensions.

It is now possible to add the the .eclipse-extensions directory as an additional extension location through the update manager, and install new plugins into this directory without clobbering the main Eclipse plugin directory.

(1) Add the JAxT update site to the Update Manager

Select the menu Help->Software Updates->Find and Install to get into the Eclipse Update Manager.

Choose the Search for new features to install option, and click Next.

Click the New Remote Site button and enter the name Mouldable Update Site, and use the URL:


Click OK.

(3) Search for new versions of JAxT

In the Update Manager, tick the box for Mouldable Update Site to include it in the search for new updates, and click Finish to start the search.

Check the box for Mouldable Update Site. This will select the JAxT feature and the required mouldable support tools. Click Next to proceed.

Accept the license, select an installation location, and hit finish. Note that your user must have write privileges to the installation directory. It is possible to create a new extension location. If you want to install to such a new extension location, select it by clicking Change location, then Add location.

(4) Install downloadables and restart Eclipse

At this point, the JAxT files should have downloaded, and you must accept their installation.

After JAxT has installed, it is recommended that you allow Eclipse to restart itself.

(5) Test JAxT

Right-click on a Java file in the Package Explorer, and check that you have a Test Generator submenu. If you don't, make certain you have followed all these steps carefully, and check the list of installed features for no.uib.ii.jaxt-feature.