In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to "parameterized complexity", one of the latest proposals on how to deal with combinatorically hard problems. A parameterized problem is called fixed parameter tractable if it admits a solving algorithm whose running time on input instance $(I,k)$ is $f(k) \cdot |I|^\alpha$, where $f$ is an arbitrary function depending only on the problem parameter $k$. I want to focus on obtaining a new qualitative behaviour of the exponential function $f$ by presenting different techniques for designing linear time algorithms with $f(k)=c^{\sqrt{k}}$ for various problems on planar graphs (including Vertex Cover, Independent Set, Dominating Set, or Face Cover). One of the methods presented in the talk is based on tree decompositions. Besides, I will report on experimental results with respect to our corresponding software package that implements the discussed algorithms using the LEDA library. Compared to our worst case analysis, the algorithms behave surprisingly well in practice and allow to attack problem instance sizes not considered feasible before.