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Institutt for informatikk seminar: Thursday 23 May, kl. 14:15

Dynamical and computational aspects of double-bracket flows

Arieh Iserles

Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK

In this talk we discuss recent work (joint with Tony Bloch) on the double-bracket equation (in short, DB) Y'=[[N,Y],Y] and its generalisations. DB-flows arise in a variety of applications; just to name a few, they can be used to find diagonalize matrices, sort lists, solve linear programming problems, and so on.

We demonstrate that fixed points of the flow possess an intriguing optimal property with respect to a range of different norms. Turning our attention to a generalization of the DB equation, we prove that it might possess a more complicated structure of its equilibria, which can be related to the geometry of the Horn-Schur polytope.

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